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GJXFH/GJXH Indoor FTTH Bow-type Drop Cable

GJXFH/GJXH Indoor FTTH Bow-type Drop Cable

Fiber Type: G652D, G657A1, G657A2 available Fiber Count: 1,2,4,6,12 Cores
GJXFH/GJXH Indoor FTTH Bow-type Drop Cable

The typical bow-type drop optical cable(GJXFH/GJXH) includes central optical fibers with 2 parallel KFRPs or steel wire as the strength members placed on both sides, a LSZH or PVC sheath is extruded outside.

1. All types of fiber cables with different structures
2. High performance optical network operating
3. High speed optical routes in buildings (FTTX)

Product Series
GJXFH FRP Strength Member+2.0*3.0LSZH
GJXH Steel Wire Strength Member+2.0*3.0 LSZH
GJXH-Small Diamter Steel Wire Strength Member+1.6*2.0 LSZH
GJX(F)DH Ribbon Fibers+2.0*4.0LSZH
GJYX(F)CH Self-Supporting Wires+2.0*5.2LSZH
GJYX(F)CH-Small Self-Supporting Wires+1.7*3.8LSZH
GJYXFDCH(GJYXDCH) Self-Supporting Wires+Ribbon Fibers+1.7*3.8LSZH
GYFJU Aramid Yarn Strength Round Sheath LSZH
GYGXY Central Tube Glass Yarns armor Round Sheath HDPE
FDC Flat Drop Cable+Central Tube+3.0*6.0 LSZH
ASU Self-Supporting FRP Strength+Tube+7.0/8.0 HDPE
GYXY-8S Figure-8 Self-supporting+Aramid Yarns+Tubes+4.6*8.8HDPE
GYFXBY Flat Drop Cable+Central Tube+4.6*8.1 LSZH

P/N Strengthen member Fiber count
Nominal size
Nominal weight
Max tensile strength
Long/short term (N)
GJXFH-1G657A1 GFRP 1 (2.0±0.1)*(3.0±0.1) 7.5 40/80
GJXFH-2G657A1 GFRP 2 (2.0±0.1)*(3.0±0.1) 7.5 40/80
GJXFH-4G657A1 GFRP 4 (2.0±0.1)*(3.0±0.1) 7.5 40/80
GJXFH-1G657A1 KFRP 1 (2.0±0.1)*(3.0±0.1) 7.5 40/80
GJXFH-2G657A1 KFRP 2 (2.0±0.1)*(3.0±0.1) 7.5 40/80
GJXFH-4G657A1 KFRP 4 (2.0±0.1)*(3.0±0.1) 7.5 40/80
GJXH-1G657A1 Steel wire 1 (2.0±0.1)*(3.0±0.1) 10.5 100/200
GJXH-2G657A1 Steel wire 2 (2.0±0.1)*(3.0±0.1) 10.5 100/200
GJXH-4C657A1 Steel wire 4 (2.0±0.1)*(3.0±0.1) 10.5 100/200

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Add: Factory 1:No.33 Jinan City, Shandong Province,China
Factory 2: No. 28 Zhengzhou City, Henan Province,China
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