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NF C33-210 Low Voltage Power Distribution Underground Cables

NF C33-210 Low Voltage Power Distribution Underground Cables

NF C33-210 connection cables; NF C33-210 distribution network cables; Câble basse tension réseaux de distribution souterrain ( 0.6/1KV)


Low Voltage 0.6/1 KV Underground Cable Use

These cables are intended for the creation of low voltage 0.6/1 KV underground networks of the H1 XDV-AS series

Low Voltage 0.6/1 KV Underground Cable Description

  1. Class 2 sectoral-shaped wired aluminum phase core.
  2. Class 1 solid round aluminum neutral core   .
  3. Black cross-linked polyethylene insulation Marking 1 One, 2 Two and 3 Three for phase identification
  4. Inflatable hydro-blocking cords in the center and peripheral gaps
  5. Double ribbon metal screen in galvanized steel in contact with the neutral conductor.
  6. Swelling powder on metal screen for waterproofing
  7. Outer sheath in black PVC, UV and weather resistant

Low Voltage 0.6/1 KV Underground Cable Special points

  • Designed for a maximum temperature of 90°C on the conductive cores in normal service, they comply with   fire behavior according to category C2 within the meaning of standard NF C 32-070 / NM 06.3.003, Eca classification according to NF EN 60332- 1 These cables can be buried directly without additional mechanical protection.
  • The neutral must be connected to earth.

Low Voltage 0.6/1 KV Underground Cable Description

Imacab code Section (mm²) Approx outer diameter (mm) Approximate mass (Kg/Km) Allowable current in amps (1) Voltage drop V/A/Km cosØ=0.8
In the open air 30°C In the ground 20°C
XDV9575 3×95+1x75M(50E) 35 1650 260 254 0.64
XDV15095 3×150+1x95M(70E) 41.1 2400 334 324 0.45
XDV240115 3×240+1x115M(95E) 51.4 3500 435 425 0.30
XDV240120 3×240+1x120M(95E) 51.4 3500 435 425 0.30


Câble de Réseau Souterrain Use

These cables are intended for the construction of low voltage underground and 0.6/1 KV underground networks of the H1 XDV-AU series with solid core (≤50mm²)

Câble de Réseau Souterrain Description

  1. Solid aluminum phase core with round shape, class 1 and section (≤50mm²)
  2. Solid neutral aluminum core with round shape,   class 1 and section (≤50mm²)
  3. Black cross-linked polyethylene insulation Marking 1 One, 2 Two and 3 Three for phase identification
  4. Inflating hydro-blocking cords in the center and peripheral gaps
  5. Metal screen: galvanized steel tape in contact with the neutral conductor Swelling powder on metal screen for sealing.
  6. PVC filler
  7. Outer sheath in black PVC, UV and weather resistant

Câble de Réseau Souterrain Special points

  • Designed for a maximum temperature of 90°C on the conductive cores in normal service, they comply with   fire behavior according to category C2 within the meaning of standard NF C 32-070 / NM 06.3.003, Eca classification according to NF EN 60332- 1 These cables can be buried directly without additional mechanical protection.
  • The neutral must be connected to earth.

Câble de Réseau Souterrain Description 

Imacab code Section (mm²) Approx outer diameter (mm) Approximate mass (Kg/Km) Allowable current in amps (1) Voltage drop V/A/Km cosØ=0.8
In the open air 30°C In the ground 20°C
  Single phase
XDVB35D 1×35+1x35M 23 750 151 173 2.0
XDVB50D 1×50+1x50M 24.5 850 183 208 1.2
XDVD25D 3×25+1x25M 23 850 98 111 2.15
XDVD35D 3×35+1x35M 27.5 1000 138 152 1.59

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Add: Factory 1:No.33 Jinan City, Shandong Province,China
Factory 2: No. 28 Zhengzhou City, Henan Province,China
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