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Medium/Middle Voltage Power Cables IEC 60502-2 Types:

2XSY 6/10 kV – 8,7/15 kV – 12/20 kV – 18/30 kV
2XS(F)Y 6/10 kV – 8,7/15 kV – 12/20 kV – 18/30 kV
2XSYR(AL)Y 6/10 kV – 8,7/15 kV – 12/20 kV – 18/30 kV
2XSYB(AL)Y 6/10 kV – 8,7/15 kV – 12/20 kV – 18/30 kV
2XSEY 6/10 kV – 8,7/15 kV – 12/20 kV – 18/30 kV
2XSEYRY 6/10 kV – 8,7/15 kV – 12/20 kV – 18/30 kV
2XSEYBY 6/10 kV – 8,7/15 kV – 12/20 kV – 18/30 kV
A2XSY 6/10 kV – 8,7/15 kV – 12/20 kV – 18/30 kV
A2XS(F)Y 6/10 kV – 8,7/15 kV – 12/20 kV – 18/30 kV
A2XSYR(AL)Y 6/10 kV – 12/20 kV – 18/30 kV
A2XSYB(AL)Y 6/10 kV – 8,7/15 kV – 12/20 kV
A2XSEY 6/10 kV – 8,7/15 kV – 12/20 kV – 18/30 kV
A2XSEYRY 6/10 kV – 8,7/15 kV – 12/20 kV – 18/30 kV
A2XSEYBY 6/10 kV – 8,7/15 kV – 12/20 kV – 18/30 kV

2XSY  6/10 kV – 8,7/15 kV – 12/20 kV – 18/30 kV

1. Copper conductor
2. Inner semi-conducting layer 3. XLPE insulation
4. Outer semi-conducting layer
5. Semi-conducting tape
6. Copper wire screen
7. Separator tape
8. PVC outer sheath
PE sheath (2Y) and fire retardant, halogen free sheath (H) available on request
Electrical Power supply in public networks and industrial plants. Indoor and outdoor installation, on racks,direct buried or in conduits. Fire retardant, halogen free sheath (H) for cable laying in buildings/tunnels, where improved behaviour in case of  fire is required.

2XSY  6/10 kV – 8,7/15 kV – 12/20 kV – 18/30 kV Data

Number of cores and size Nominal Insulation thickness Diameter over insulation Nominal Sheath thickness Outer
Weight of cable
mm2 mm mm mm approx. mm approx. kg/km
6/10 kV  (U max = 12 kV)
1 x 25 RM/16 3,4 13,5 1,8 21,5 720
1 x 35 RM/16 3,4 14,5 1,8 22,5 830
1 x 50 RM/16 3,4 16,0 1,8 23,5 970
1 x 70 RM/16 3,4 17,5 1,8 25,5 1200
1 x 95 RM/16 3,4 19,0 1,8 27,0 1470
1 x 120 RM/16 3,4 20,5 1,8 28,5 1720
1 x 150 RM/25 3,4 22,0 1,9 30,5 2110
1 x 185 RM/25 3,4 24,0 1,9 32,5 2490
1 x 240 RM/25 3,4 26,0 2,0 35,0 3070
1 x 300 RM/25 3,4 28,5 2,1 37,5 3705
1 x 400 RM/35 3,4 31,0 2,2 40,5 4700
1 x 500 RM/35 3,4 34,5 2,3 44,5 5650
8,7/15 kV  (U max = 17,5 kV)
1 x 25 RM/16 4,5 15,5 1,8 23,5 780
1 x 35 RM/16 4,5 16,5 1,8 24,5 900
1 x 50 RM/16 4,5 17,5 1,8 25,5 1040
1 x 70 RM/16 4,5 19,5 1,8 27,5 1270
1 x 95 RM/16 4,5 21,0 1,8 29,0 1550
1 x 120 RM/16 4,5 22,5 1,9 31,0 1820
1 x 150 RM/25 4,5 24,0 1,9 32,5 2200
1 x 185 RM/25 4,5 26,0 2,0 34,5 2600
1 x 240 RM/25 4,5 28,0 2,1 37,0 3190
1 x 300 RM/25 4,5 30,5 2,1 39,5 3820
1 x 400 RM/35 4,5 33,0 2,3 43,0 4840
1 x 500 RM/35 4,5 36,5 2,4 46,5 5800
12/20 kV  (U max = 24 kV)
1 x 35 RM/16 5,5 18,5 1,8 26,5 970
1 x 50 RM/16 5,5 19,5 1,8 27,5 1100
1 x 70 RM/16 5,5 21,0 1,9 29,5 1360
1 x 95 RM/16 5,5 23,0 1,9 31,0 1650
1 x 120 RM/16 5,5 24,5 2,0 33,0 1920
1 x 150 RM/25 5,5 26,0 2,0 34,5 2300
1 x 185 RM/25 5,5 27,5 2,1 36,5 2710
1 x 240 RM/25 5,5 30,0 2,1 39,0 3290
1 x 300 RM/25 5,5 32,0 2,2 41,5 3950
1 x 400 RM/35 5,5 35,0 2,3 45,0 4950
1 x 500 RM/35 5,5 38,5 2,4 48,5 5950
18/30 kV  (U max = 36 kV)
1 x 50 RM/16 8,0 24,0 2,0 32,5 1350
1 x 70 RM/16 8,0 25,5 2,0 34,0 1600
1 x 95 RM/16 8,0 27,5 2,1 36,0 1900
1 x 120 RM/16 8,0 29,0 2,1 37,5 2150
1 x 150 RM/25 8,0 30,5 2,2 39,5 2600
1 x 185 RM/25 8,0 32,0 2,2 41,5 3000
1 x 240 RM/25 8,0 34,5 2,3 44,0 3600
1 x 300 RM/25 8,0 36,5 2,4 46,5 4250
1 x 400 RM/35 8,0 39,5 2,5 49,5 5300
1 x 500 RM/35 8,0 43,0 2,6 53,5 6300


Uo/U - 6/10 kV, 12/20 kV, 18/30kV EC 60502-2 / DIN VDE 0276-620
The single-core cables with insulation of cross-linked polyethylene (XLPE) are designed for transfer and distribution of electrical power with nominal voltage Uo/U 6/10; 12/20; 18/30 kV and frequency 50 Hz in urban and district electrical networks and for electrical supply of transformer's substations, small and medium industrial plants.
They are suitable for use in distribution installations, electric power stations and industrial systems.
The cables are for fixed assembly in lines with unlimited difference levels, indoor installations, in cable ducts, conduits and shafts, over shelves and grills directly underground in ditch and outdoor shelter.
Cable construction Technical data
Construction According to IEC 60502 and DIN VDE 0276-620 Conductor resistance at
According to BDS904
(IEC60228) class 2
Conductor Cu and Al stranded compacted, according to IEC 60228 class 2 and VDE 0295 class 2 Operating temperature 90°C continuous operation
Inner semi- semi-conductive XLPE compound Overload temperature 130°C /100h per year max./
conductive layer Short circuit temperature 250°C /5 s max./
Insulation XLPE compound Nominal voltage Uo/U: 6/10;12/20 kV
Outer semi-conductive layer semi-conductive XLPE compound
and semi-conductive tape or
extruded semi-conductive XLPE
Highest system voltage 6/10; 12/20 kV
Metal screen Cu wires concentrically laid and one contact of Cu tape with thickness of 0.1mm. Uo/U, no more than 12kV; 24kV kV
Separating layer Layer of plastic tape Test voltage Uo/U 6/10; 12/20 kV
Sheath PVC compound AC (≈) - 5 min 15kV; 30kV kV
type ST2 according to IEC 60502 DC (=) - 15 min 48kV; 96kV kV
type DMV 6 according to VDE Level of partial discharge at max. 5 pC
276 2*Uo 15x D cable
Color red    
Construction data 2XSY/N2XSY A2XSY/NA2XSY   6/10; 12/20; 18/30
Number of con­ductors and nominal cross section Thic­kness of insulation Thic­kness of sheath Nominal cross-section of screen Cable diameter approx.
Cable diameter approx.
2XSY Mass of
Cu approx.
N2XSY Mass of
A2XSY Mass of
Al approx.
NA2XS Mass of
Cu approx.
Nxmm2 mm mm  mm2 mm mm kg/km kg/km kg/km kg/km
6/10 kV                  
1x35rm/16 3,4 2,5 16 23 28 493 935 94 176
 1x50rm/16 3,4 2,5 16 24 29 604 1076 127 176
1x70rm/16 3,4 2,5 16 26 31 793 1312 183 176
1x95rm/16 3,4 2,5 16 27 32 1033 1599 254 176
1x120rm/16 3,4 2,5 16 29 34 1255 1859 321 176
1x150rm/16 3,4 2,5 16* 30 35 1507 2155 394 176
1x185rm/16 3,4 2,5 16* 32 37 1842 2536 495 176
 1x240rm/16 3,4 2,5 16* 34 39 2365 3126 649 176
1x150rm/25 3,4 2,5 25 30 35 1596 2239 394 265
 1x185rm/25 3,4 2,5 25 32 37 1930 2620 495 265
1x240rm/25 3,4 2,5 25 34 39 2454 3210 649 265
1x300rm/25 3,4 2,5 25 36 41 2980 3800 812 265
1x400rm/35 3,4 2,5 35 40 45 3836 4736 1043 363
1x500rm/35 3,4 2,5 35 43 48 4807 5795 1374 363
12/20 kV                  
1x35rm/16 5,5 2,5 16 27 32 493 1116 94 176
1x50rm/16 5,5 2,5 16 28 33 604 1264 127 176
1x70rm/16 5,5 2,5 16 30 35 793 1512 183 176
1x95rm/16 5,5 2,5 16 31 36 1033 1809 254 176
1x120rm/16 5,5 2,5 16 33 38 1255 1995 321 176
1x150rm/16 5,5 2,5 16* 34 39 1507 2385 394 176
 1x185rm/16 5,5 2,5 16* 36 41 1842 2777 495 176
1x240rm/16 5,5 2,5 16* 39 44 2365 3466 649 176
 1x150rm/25 5,5 2,5 25 34 39 1596 2469 394 265
1x185rm/25 5,5 2,5 25 36 41 1930 2861 495 265
1x240rm/25 5,5 2,5 25 39 44 2454 3466 649 265
1x300rm/25 5,5 2,5 25 41 46 2980 4071 812 265
 1x400rm/35 5,5 2,5 35 44 49 3836 5025 1043 363
1x500rm/35 5,5 2,5 35 47 52 4807 6127 1374 363
18/30 kV                  
1x50rm/16 8 2,5 16 33 38 604 1508 127 176
 1x70rm/16 8 2,5 16 35 40 793 1768 183 176
1x95rm/16 8 2,5 16 36 41 1033 2078 254 176
1x120rm/16 8 2,5 16 38 43 1255 2358 321 176
1x150rm/25 8 2,5 25 39 44 1596 2758 394 265
 1x185rm/25 8 2,5 25 41 46 1930 3163 495 265
1x240rm/25 8 2,5 25 43 48 2454 3786 649 265
1x300rm/25 8 2,5 25 46 51 2980 4428 812 265
1x400rm/35 8 2,5 35 49 54 3836 5425 1043 363
 1x500rm/35 8 2,5 35 52 57 4807 6555 1374 363

If you need more details, pls contact us by email:

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Add: Factory 1:No.33 Jinan City, Shandong Province,China
Factory 2: No. 28 Zhengzhou City, Henan Province,China
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