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RHZ1 Medium Voltage Aluminium or Copper Cable

RHZ1 Medium Voltage Aluminium or Copper Cable

3,6/6 kV & 6/10 kV & 8,7/15 kV & 12/20 kV K Al & 18/30 kV; X-VOLT RHZ1: halogen-free polyolefin, red colour. X-VOLT RHZ1 (S) version is flame-retardant and halogen-free polyolefin, red colour with two grey bands. X-VOLT RHZ1 (AS) version is fire-retardant and halogen-free polyolefin, red colour with two green bands.
X-VOLT RHZ1 Medium Voltage aluminium or copper cable, XLPE insulation. Configuration options: Cu or Al (OL/2OL). Halogen-free, flame non-propagator, fire non-propagator.

X-VOLT RHZ1 cable performance

IEC 60502-2. 
Thermal performance
Maximum service temperature: 90ºC.
Maximum short-circuit temperature: 250ºC (max. 5 s).
Minimum service temperature: -15ºC
Fire performance (standard configuration)
Halogen free: based on UNE-EN 50267.
(S) Configuration fire performance
Flame non-propagation based on UNE-EN 60332-1.
Halogen free: based on UNE-EN 50267.
Low smoke emission based on UNE-EN 61034. Reaction to fire CPR: Eca, according to EN 50575.
(AS) Configuration fire performance
Flame non-propagation based on UNE-EN 60332-1. Fire non-propagation based on UNE-EN 60332-3 (cat.C).
Halogen free: based on UNE-EN 50267.
Low smoke emission based on UNE-EN 61034. Reaction to fire CPR: Cca, according to EN 50575.
Mechanical performance
Minimum bending radius: x15 cable diameter.
Chemical performance
UV Resistant: UNE 211605.
Installation conditions: Open Air. Buried. In conduit.
Applications: Distribution networks
Optional: rodent-proof and termite-proof.

X-VOLT RHZ1 cable design

  1. Conductor: Aluminium or copper conductor, class 2, based on EN 60228 and IEC 60228. Optionally, with longitudinal sealing (cable type -2OL).
  2. Internal semiconductor: Screen over the conductor, made of thermosetting semiconductor material.
  3. Insulation: Cross-linked polyethylene (XLPE), in dry atmosphere catenary tube, through a triple layer extrusion process.
  4. External semiconductor: Screen over the insulation, made of thermosetting and strippable semiconductor material.
  5. Metallic screen: A screen of copper wires and copper tape, with a minimum cross-section of 16m2.
  6. Longitudinal sealing: Hygroscopic tape completely covering the screen (cable type –OL and -2OL).
  7. (Filling): (Possible, depending on the configurations).
  8. Outer sheath: External sheath of halogen-free polyolefin, red colour.
X-VOLT HEPRZ1 AL halogen-free polyolefin, red colour. X-VOLT HEPRZ1 AL (S) version is flame-retardant and halogen-free polyolefin, red colour with two grey bands. X-VOLT HEPRZ1 AL (AS) version is fire-retardant and halogen-free polyolefin, red colour with two green bands.

8/30kV Cable unipolar tipo AL RHZ1OL

Dimension (mm2) Current Value (A) Packaging Diameter (mm)* Weight (kg/km)*
1x95/16 255 Drum 37,9 1290
1x150/16 335 Drum 40,4 1520
1x240/16 455 Drum 44,4 1920
1x400/16 610 Drum 49,5 2630
1x500/16 720 Drum 54,4 2995
1x630/16 840 Drum 58,1 3580

RHZ1 Medium Voltage cable with XLPE insulation Types

  • X-VOLT RHZ1: Aluminium or Copper Medium Voltage cable, XLPE insulation, halogen free.
  • X-VOLT AL (-OL/-2OL) RHZ1 (S): Medium voltage aluminium cable, XLPE insulation
  • X-VOLT AL (-OL/-2OL) RHZ1 (AS): Medium voltage aluminium cable, XLPE insulation
  • X-VOLT CU (-OL/-2OL) RHZ1: Medium voltage copper cable, XLPE insulation
  • X-VOLT CU (-OL/-2OL) RHZ1 (S): Medium voltage copper cable, XLPE insulation
  • X-VOLT CU (-OL/-2OL) RHZ1 (AS): Medium voltage copper cable, XLPE insulation
  • X-VOLT RHZ1 6,35/11kV AL: Aluminium Medium Voltage cable, XLPE insulation, halogen free, in triplex formation.
  • X-VOLT AL RH5Z1: Medium voltage aluminium cable, XLPE insulation, halogen free with longitudinal aluminium strip screen.

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Add: Factory 1:No.33 Jinan City, Shandong Province,China
Factory 2: No. 28 Zhengzhou City, Henan Province,China
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