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IEC 60502-1 & TNB 0.6/1kV LV ABC Cable Aerial Bundle conductor

IEC 60502-1 & TNB 0.6/1kV LV ABC Cable Aerial Bundle conductor

Phase - The phase conductors shall be of H68 Condition aluminium conductor and compacted circular strandedNeutral or messenger -The neutral or messenger conductor shall be of aluminium alloy conductor and compacted circulalstranded. Street Lighting - The street lighting conductors shall be of H68 Condition aluminium conductor and compacted circulaistranded.

IEC 60502-1 & TNB 0.6/1kV LV ABC Cable Application

The IEC 60502-1 standard LV ABC Cable Aerial Bundle Conductor is overhead power lines and room entrance wires with a rated AC pressure of 1kv and below. ABC Cable has less installation, maintenance, and operating costs, which can achieve greater economic loss and provide higher security and reliability.
Aerial Bundle Cable (ABC cable) is a very innovative concept for overhead power distribution as compared to the conventional bare conductor overhead distribution system.
LV Aerial Bundle Cables are designed to supply 600/1000 volt aerial service for temporary service at construction sites, as a service drop (power pole to service entrance), as a secondary cable (pole to pole) or street lighting.

IEC 60502-1 & TNB 0.6/1kV LV ABC Cable Construction

IEC 60502 & TNB Specification 0.6/1(1.2)kv

IEC 60502 & DES/LV/ABC 0.6/1 (1.2)kV

Concentric strands or compact aluminum conductor, polyethylene or crosslinked polyethylene insulation.
Phase conductor: circular stranded, rounded, compact aluminum conductor
Phase Core identification: colour strip, rib or number
Neutral/Messenger conductor: aluminum conductor AAC or all aluminum alloy conduct Or AAAC
Insulation: black polyethylene(PE) or crosslinked polyethylene(XLPE)

Aerial Bundled Cables to IEC 60502 & TNB Specification (AL/PE)

IEC 60502-1 Standard Aerial Bundle Conductor LV ABC Cable Size Parameters

Section Area Phase Core Neutral Core Complete Cable
Section Area No. of Wires Conductor Diameter Insulation Thickness Section Area No. of Wire Conductor Diameter Insulation Thickness Approx.
mm2 mm2 No. mm mm mm2 No. mm mm mm kg/km
1×10 1×10 7 4.05 1.0 - - - - 6.1 43
1×16 1×16 7 4.8 1.2 - - - - 7.2 64
1×25 1×25 7 6 1.2 - - - - 8.4 92
1×35 1×35 7 7 1.4 - - - - 9.8 127
1×50 1×50 7 8.1 1.4 - - - - 11.1 165
1×70 1×70 19 10 1.4 - - - - 12.8 230
1×95 1×95 19 11.6 1.6 - - - - 14.8 315
1×120 1×120 19 13 1.6 - - - - 16.2 390
1×150 1×150 19 14.6 1.8 - - - - 18.2 476
1×185 1×185 37 16.2 2 - - - - 20.2 609
2×10 2×10 7 4 1 - - - - 12.2 85
2×16 2×16 7 4.8 1.2 - - - - 14.4 128
2×25 2×25 7 6 1.2 - - - - 16.8 184
2×35 2×35 7 7 1.4 - - - - 19.6 255
2×50 2×50 7 8.1 1.4 - - - - 22.2 329
2×70 2×70 19 10 1.4 - - - - 25.6 459
3×10 3×10 7 4 1 - - - - 13.1 128
3×16 3×16 7 4.8 1.2 - - - - 17.4 192
3×25 3×25 7 6 1.2 - - - - 20.3 276
3×35 3×35 7 7 1.4 - - - - 21.1 382
3×50 3×50 7 8.1 1.4 - - - - 23.9 494
3×70 3×70 19 10 1.4 - - - - 27.6 688
3×95 3×95 19 11.6 1.6 - - - - 31.9 943
3×120 3×120 19 13 1.6 - - - - 34.9 1170
4×10 4×10 7 4 1 - - - - 14.6 171
4×16 4×16 7 4.8 1.2 - - - - 17.4 256
4×25 4×25 7 6 1.2 - - - - 20.3 368
4×35 4×35 7 7 1.4 - - - - 23.7 509
4×50 4×50 7 8.1 1.4 - - - - 26.8 659
4×70 4×70 19 10 1.4 - - - - 30.9 917
4×95 4×95 19 11.6 1.6 - - - - 35.8 1258
4×120 4×120 19 13 1.6 - - - - 39.1 1559
1×16+16 1×16 7 4.8 1.2 1×16 7 5.1 - 12.3 108
1×25+25 1×25 7 6 1.2 1×25 7 6.3 - 14.7 158
1×35+35 1×35 7 7 1.4 1×35 7 7.5 - 17.3 221
1×50+50 1×50 7 8.4 1.4 1×50 7 9 - 20.1 300
2×16+16 2×16 7 4.8 1.2 1×16 7 5.1 - 15.5 172
2×25+25 2×25 7 6 1.2 1×25 7 6.3 - 18.1 250
2×35+35 2×35 7 7 1.4 1×35 7 7.5 - 21.1 348
2×50+50 2×50 7 8.3 1.4 1×50 7 9 - 22.4 464
3×16+16 3×16 7 4.8 1.2 1×16 7 5.1 - 17.4 235
3×25+25 3×25 7 6 1.2 1×25 7 6.3 - 20.3 342
3×35+35 3×35 7 7 1.4 1×35 7 7.5 - 23.7 475
3×50+50 3×50 7 8.1 1.4 1×50 7 9 - 26.8 629
3×70+70 3×70 19 10 1.4 1×70 19 10.5 - 30.9 869
3×95+95 3×95 19 11.6 1.6 1×95 19 12.5 - 35.7 1200
3×35+16 3×35 7 7 1.4 1×16 7 4.8 - 22.2 445
3×50+25 3×50 7 8.1 1.4 1×25 7 6 - 24.8 585
3×70+35 3×70 19 10 1.4 1×35 7 7 - 30.9 815
3×95+50 3×95 19 11.6 1.6 1×50 7 8.1 - 35.7 1108
4×95+35 4×95 19 11.6 1.6 1×35 7 7 - 39.9 1385
3×120+70 3×120 19 13 1.6 1×70 19 10 - 39.1 1399


1x16+1x25 RM 15.3 160 1.910 2.5 72
3x16+1x25 RM 19.0 290 1.200 4.0 107
3x25+1x25 RM 23.2 400 0.868 5.5 132
3x35+1x25 RM 25.6 500 0.641 8.0 165
3x50+1x35 RM 30.0 680 0.443 10.7 205
3x70+1x50 RM 34.9 920 0.320 13.7 240
3x95+1x70 RM 40.6 1270 0.253 18.6 290
3x120+1x70 RM 44.1 1510 0.206 23.2 334
3x150+1x95 RM 49.2 1870 0.164 28.7 389
3x185+1x120 RM 54.9 2340 0.125 37.2 467
3x25+1x25+1x16 RM 23.2 470 1.910 2.5 72
3x35+1x25+1x16 RM 25.6 560 1.200 4.0 107
3x50+1x35+1x16 RM 30.0 740 0.868 5.5 132
3x70+1x50+1x16 RM 34.9 980 0.641 8.0 165
3x95+1x70+1x16 RM 40.6 1330 0.443 10.7 205
3x120+1x70+1x16 RM 44.1 1580 0.320 13.7 240
3x150+1x95+1x16 RM 49.2 1940 0.206 23.2 334
3x185+1x120+1x16 RM 54.9 2410 1.910 2.5 72

Other cross-sections can be offered upon request.

Aerial Bundled Cables to DES/LVC/ABC Specification & IEC 60502 (AL/XLPE)

Number of cores x nominal cross section min. breaking load of conductor strand Current rating in the air Outer diameter Total weight
mm² kN A mm kg/km
4x25 RM 3.5 84 21.5 420
4x35 RM 4.9 104 23.9 550
4x120+1x25 RM 16.8 246 43.8 1800
4x185+1x25 RM 25.9 332 50.7 2700
other cross-sections on request

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Add: Factory 1:No.33 Jinan City, Shandong Province,China
Factory 2: No. 28 Zhengzhou City, Henan Province,China
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