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ACSR-Aluminum Conductor Steel Reinforced

ACSR-Aluminum Conductor Steel Reinforced

ACSR - Steel Cored Aluminum Conductor SCA Conductor/Aluminium Conductor Steel Reinforced; Aluminum Conductor Steel Reinforced SCA Conductor and HDA Conductor AAC - All Aluminium Conductor; ACAR - Aluminium Conductor Aluminium Reinforce; AAAC - All Aluminium Alloy Conductors; Manufacturer in China, send email for price list
This wire is suitable for use in all practical spans on wood poles, transmission towers, and other structures. Applications range from long, extra high voltage (EHV) transmission lines to sub-service spans at distribution or utilization voltages on private premises.
ACSR (aluminum conductor steel reinforced) has a long service record because of its economy, dependability, and strength to weight ratio. The combined light weight and high conductivity of aluminum with strength of the steel core enables higher tensions, less sag, and longer spans than any alternative.
A solid or concentric stranded central steel core is surrounded by one or more layers of concentric stranded aluminum alloy 1350. The wire is protected from corrosion with a zinc coating.
ASTM B 232/B 232M CSA C49; BS 215-2 BS EN 50182; DIN 48204; IEC 61089 A1/S1A A1/S2A  A1/S3A; JIS C 3110; GOST 839-80; NF C 34120; JIS C 3110; 
ACSR/AC  AS 3607
High Strength ACSR/AW-Aluminum Conductor Steel Reinforced/AW Core

ASTM B 232/B 232M CSA C49
Individual wires Steel Total Al Steel Total Al Steel 20ºC
Al Steel
TURKEY 6 6/1 0.0661 0.0661 0.0661 0.198 24.5 11.6 36 67.9 32.1 1.19 0.641 0.806 105
SWAN 4 6/1 0.0834 0.0834 0.0834 0.25 39 18.4 57 67.9 32.1 1.86 0.403 0.515 140
SWANATE 4 7/1 0.0772 0.1029 0.1029 0.257 39 28 67 58.13 41.87 2.36 0.399 0.519 140
SPARROW 2 6/1 0.1052 0.1052 0.1052 0.316 62 29.3 91 67.9 32.1 2.85 0.254 0.332 184
SPARATE 2 7/1 0.0974 0.1299 0.1299 0.325 62 44.7 107 58.13 41.87 3.46 0.251 0.332 184
ROBIN 1 6/1 0.1181 0.1182 0.1182 0.355 78.2 37 115 67.9 32.1 3.55 0.201 0.268 212
RAVEN 1/0 6/1 0.1327 0.1327 0.1327 0.398 98.6 46.6 145 67.9 32.1 4.38 0.159 0.217 242
QUAIL 2/0 6/1 0.1489 0.1489 0.1489 0.447 124.3 58.8 183 67.9 32.1 5.31 0.126 0.176 276
PIGEON 3/0 6/1 0.1672 0.1672 0.1672 0.502 156.8 74.1 230 67.9 32.1 6.62 0.1 0.144 315
PENGUIN 4/0 6/1 0.1878 0.1878 0.1878 0.563 197.7 93.4 291 67.9 32.1 8.35 0.0795 0.119 357
WAXWING 266.8 18/1 0.1217 0.1217 0.1217 0.609 250.4 39.3 289 86.45 13.55 6.88 0.0643 0.0787 449
PARTRIDGE 266.8 26/7 0.1013 0.0788 0.2364 0.642 251.7 115.6 366 68.53 31.47 11.3 0.0437 0.0779 475
OSTRICH 300 26/7 0.1074 0.0835 0.2505 0.68 283 129.9 412 68.53 31.47 12.7 0.0567 0.0693 492
MERLIN 336.4 18/1 0.1367 0.0961 0.1367 0.684 315.8 49.5 365 86.45 13.55 8.68 0.051 0.0625 519
LINNET 336.4 26/7 0.1137 0.0884 0.2652 0.72 317.3 145.7 462 68.53 31.47 14.1 0.0505 0.0618 529
ORIOLE 336.4 30/7 0.1059 0.1059 0.3177 0.741 318.1 209 526 60.53 39.65 17.3 0.0502 0.0613 535
CHICKADEE 397.5 18/7 0.1486 0.1486 0.1486 0.743 372.5 58.5 431 86.45 13.55 9.94 0.0432 0.0529 576
BRANT 397.5 24/1 0.1287 0.0858 0.2574 0.772 374.9 137.1 511 73.23 26.77 14.6 0.043 0.0526 584
IBIS 397.5 26/7 0.1236 0.0961 0.2883 0.783 375 172.2 546 68.53 31.47 16.3 0.0428 0.0523 587
LARK 397.5 30/7 0.1151 0.1151 0.3453 0.806 375.9 246.9 622 60.35 39.65 20.3 0.0425 0.0519 594
PELICAN 477 18/7 0.1628 0.1628 0.1628 0.814 447.8 70.2 517 86.45 13.55 11.8 0.036 0.0442 646
FLICKER 477 24/7 0.141 0.094 0.282 0.846 450 164.5 614 73.23 26.77 17.2 0.0358 0.0439 655
HAWK 477 26/7 0.1354 0.1053 0.3159 0.858 450 206.8 655 68.53 31.47 19.5 0.0356 0.0436 659
HEN 477 30/7 0.1261 0.1261 0.3783 0.883 451 296.3 746 60.35 39.65 23.8 0.0354 0.0433 666
OSPREY 556.5 18/1 0.1758 0.1758 0.1758 0.879 522 82 603 86.45 13.55 13.7 0.0308 0.0379 711
PARAKEET 556.5 24/7 0.1523 0.1015 0.3045 0.914 525 192 716 73.23 26.77 19.8 0.0307 0.0376 721
DOVE 556.5 26/7 0.1463 0.1138 0.3414 0.927 525 241 765 68.53 31.47 22.6 0.0306 0.0375 726
EAGLE 556.5 30/7 0.1362 0.1362 0.4086 0.953 526 346 971 60.35 39.65 27.8 0.0303 0.0372 734
PEACOCK 605 24/7 0.1588 0.1059 0.3177 0.953 571 208 779 73.23 26.77 21.6 0.0282 0.0346 760
SQUAB 605 26/7 0.1525 0.1186 0.3558 0.966 571 262 931 68.53 31.47 24.3 0.0281 0.0345 765
WOOD DUCK 605.5 30/7 0.142 0.142 0.426 0.994 572 376 946 60.35 29.55 28.9 0.0279 0.0342 774
TEAL 605.5 30/19 0.142 0.0852 0.426 0.994 572 367 939 60.89 39.11 30 0.0279 0.0342 773
KINGBOIRD 636 18/1 0.188 0.188 0.188 0.94 597 94 690 86.45 13.55 15.7 0.027 0.0332 773
SWIFT 636 36/1 0.1329 0.1329 0.1329 0.94 597 47 643 92.45 7.2 13.69 0.0271 0.0334 769
ROOK 636 24/7 0.1628 0.1085 0.3255 0.978 600 219 818 73.23 26.77 22 0.0268 0.033 784
GROSBEAK 605.5 26/7 0.1564 0.1216 0.426 0.99 600 275 874 68.53 31.47 25.2 0.0267 0.0328 789
SCOTER 605.5 30/7 0.1456 0.1456 0.4368 1.019 601 395 995 60.35 39.55 30.4 0.0256 0.0325 798
EGRET 605.5 30/19 0.1456 0.0874 0.437 1.019 601 387 987 60.89 39.11 31.5 0.0266 0.0326 798
FLAMINGO 666.6 24/7 0.1667 0.1111 0.3333 1 629 230 858 73.23 26.77 23.7 0.0256 0.0315 807
GANNET 666.6 26/7 0.1601 0.1245 0.3735 1.014 628 289 916 68.53 31.47 26.4 0.0255 0.0313 812
STILT 715.5 24/7 0.1727 0.1151 0.3453 1.036  675 247 921 73.23 26.77 25.5 0.0239 0.0294 844
STARLING 715.5 26/7 0.1659  0.1290  0.3870  1.051  675 310 984 68.53 31.47 28.4 0.0238 0.0292 849
REDWING 715.5 30/19 0.1544  0.0926  0.4630  1.081  676 435 1109 60.89 39.11 34.6 0.0236 0.029 859
COOT 795 36/1 0.1486  0.1486  0.1486  1.040  747 58 804 92.8 7.2 16.71 0.0217 0.0268 884
CUCKOO 795 24/7 0.1820  0.1213  0.3639  1.092  749 247 1023 73.23 26.77 27.9 0.0215 0.0265 901
DRAKE 795 26/7 0.1749 0.1360  0.4080  1.108 750 344 1093 68.53 31.47 31.5 0.0214 0.0263 907
TERN 795 45/7 0.1329 0.0886 0.2658 1.063 750 146 895 83.69 16.31 22.1 0.0216 0.0269 887
CONDOR 795 54/7 0.1213 0.1213 0.3639 1.092 750 274 1022 73.25 26.75 28.2 0.0215 0.0272 8889
MALLARD 795 30/19 0.1628 0.0977 0.4885 1.140  752 483 1234 60.89 39.11 38.4 0.0213 0.0261 918
RUDDY 900 45/7 0.1414 0.0943 0.2829 1.131 749 166 1013 83.69 16.31 24.4 0.0191 0.0265 958
CANARY 900 54/7 0.1291 0.1291 0.3873 1.162 849 310 1158 73.25 26.75 31.9 0.019 0.0241 961
RALL 954 45/7 0.1456 0.0971 0.2913 1.165 900 175 1074 83.69 16.31 25.9 0.018 0.0225 993
CARDINAL 954 54/7 0.1329 0.1329 0.3987 1.196 900 329 1227 73.25 26.75 33.8 0.0179 0.0228 996
ORTOLAN 1033.5 45/7 0.1515 0.1010  0.3030  1.212 975 190 1163 83.69 16.31 27.7 0.0167 0.0209 1043
CURLEW 1033.5 54/7 0.1383 0.4149 0.4149 1.246 975 356 1329 73.25 26.75 36.6 0.0165 0.0211 1047
BLUEJAY 1113 45/7 0.1573 0.1049 0.3147 1.259 1050 205 1254 83.69 16.31 29.8 0.0155 0.0194 1092
FINCH 1113 54/19 0.1436 0.0862 0.4310  1.293 1055 376 1430 73.75 26.75 39.1 0.0144 0.0197 1093
BUNTING 1192.5 45/7 0.1628 0.1085 0.3255 1.302 1125 219 1342 83.69 16.31 32 0.0144 0.0181 1139
GRACKLE 1192.5 54/19 0.1486 0.0892 0.4460  1.333 1130 403 1531 73.75 26.25 41.9 0.0144 0.0184 1140
BITTERN 1272 45/7 0.1681 0.1121 0.3363 1.345 1200 234 1432 83.69 16.31 34.1 0.0135 0.0171 1184
PHEASANT 1272 54/19 0.1535 0.0921 0.4605 1.382 1206 429 1634 73.75 26.25 34.6 0.0135 0.0173 1187
DIPPER 1351.5 45/7 0.1733 0.1155 0.3465 1.386 1275 247 1521 83.69 16.31 36.2 0.0127 0.0162 1229
MARTIN 1351.5 54/19 0.1582 0.0949 0.4745 1.424 1281 456 1735 73.75 26.25 46.3 0.0127 0.0163 1232
BOBOLINK 1431 45/7 0.1783 0.1189 0.3567 1.427 1350 263 1611 83.69 16.31 38.3 0.012 0.0153 1272
PLOVER 1431 54/19 0.1628 0.0977 0.4885 1.465 1357 483 1838 73.75 26.25 49.1 0.012 0.0155 1275
NUTHATCH 1510.5 45/7 0.1832 0.1221 0.3663 1.466 1425 277 1700 83.69 16.31 40 0.0114 0.0146 1313
PARROT 1510.5 54/19 0.1672 0.1003 0.5015 1.505 1432 510 1938 73.75 26.25 51.7 0.0114 0.0147 1318
LAPWING 1590 45/7 0.188 0.1253 0.3759 1.504 1500 292 1790 83.69 16.31 42.2 0.0108 0.0139 1354
FALCON 1590 54/19 0.1716 0.1052 0.515 1.545 1507 537 2042 73.75 26.25 54.5 0.0108 0.0140  1359
CHUKAR 1780 84/19 0.1456 0.0874 0.437 1.602 1687 387 2072 81.3 18.7 51 0.0097 0.0125 1453
BLUEBIRD 2156 84/19 0.1602 0.0961 0.4805 1.762 2044 468 2508 81.3 18.7 60.3 0.00801 0.0105 1623
KIWI 2167 72/7 0.1735 0.1157 0.3471 1.735 2054 249 2300 89.2 10.8 49.8 0.00801 0.0106 1607

BS 215-2 BS EN 50182 
Code Name Area Stranding Approx. Overall Diameter Weight Nominal Breaking Load D.C. Resistance at 20℃ Standard Length
Nominal Alum. Alum. Steel Total Alum. Steel Alum. Steel Total
  mm2 mm2 mm2 mm2 mm mm mm kg/km kg/km kg/km kN ohm/km m±5%
Mole 10 10.62 1.77 12.39 6/1.50 1/1.50 4.50 29 14 43 4.14 2.076 3000
Squirrel 20 20.94 3.49 24.43 6/2.11 1/2.11 6.33 58 27 85 7.88 1.368 3000
Gopher 25 26.25 4.37 30.62 6/2.36 1/2.36 7.08 72 34 106 9.61 1.093 2500
Weasel 30 31.61 5.27 36.88 6/2.59 1/2.59 7.77 87 41 128 11.45 0.9077 2000
Fox 35 36.66 6.11 42.77 6/2.79 1/2.79 8.37 101 48 149 13.20 0.7822 2000
Ferret 40 42.41 7.07 49.48 6/3.00 1/3.00 9.00 117 55 172 15.20 0.6766 2500
Rabbit 50 52.88 8.82 61.70 6/3.35 1/3.35 10.05 145 69 214 18.35 0.5426 2000
Mink 60 63.18 10.53 73.71 6/3.66 1/3.66 10.98 173 82 255 21.80 0.4545 3000
Skunk 60 63.27 36.93 100.30 12/2.59 7/2.59 12.95 175 290 465 53.00 0.4567 2500
Beaver 70 74.82 12.47 87.29 6/3.99 1/3.99 11.97 205 97 302 25.70 0.3825 2500
Horse 70 73.37 42.80 116.17 12/2.79 7/2.79 13.95 203 335 538 61.20 0.3936 2000
Racoon 75 79.20 13.20 92.40 6/4.10 1/4.10 12.30 217 103 320 27.20 0.3622 2500
Otter 80 83.88 13.98 97.86 6/4.22 1/4.22 12.66 230 109 339 28.80 0.3419 2500
Cat 90 95.40 15.90 111.30 6/4.50 1/4.50 13.50 262 124 386 32.70 0.3007 2000
Hare 100 105.0 17.50 122.50 6/4.72 1/4.72 14.16 288 137 425 36.00 0.2733 2000
Dog 100 105.0 13.50 118.5 6/4.72 7/1.57 14.15 288 106 394 32.70 0.2733 2000
Hyena 100 105.8 20.44 126.2 7/4.39 7/1.93 14.57 290 160 450 40.90 0.2712 2000
Leopard 125 131.3 16.80 148.1 6/5.28 7/1.75 15.81 360 132 492 40.70 0.2184 2000
Coyote 125 132.1 20.10 152.2 26/2.54 7/1.91 15.89 365 157 522 46.40 0.2187 2000
Cougar 125 130.3 7.25 137.5 18/3.05 1/3.05 15.25 362 57 419 29.80 0.2189 2000
Tiger 125 131.1 30.60 161.7 30/2.36 7/2.36 16.52 362 240 602 58.00 0.2202 2500
Wolf 150 158.0 36.90 194.9 30/2.59 7/2.59 18.13 437 289 726 69.20 0.1828 2000
Dingo 150 158.7 8.80 167.5 18/3.35 1/3.35 16.75 437 69 506 35.70 0.1815 3000
Lynx 175 183.4 42.80 226.2 30/2.79 7/2.79 19.53 507 335 842 79.80 0.1576 2000
Caracal 175 184.2 10.30 194.5 18/3.61 1/3.61 18.05 507 80 587 41.10 0.1563 2500
Panther 200 212.0 49.50 261.5 30/3.00 7/3.00 21.00 586 388 974 92.25 0.1363 2500
DIN 48204
Area Standing and wire diameter Overall diameter Nominal breaking load Maximum resistance at 20°C Current Rating
Nominal. Actual Total.  
Al/Steel Al Steel Total Aluminum Steel
mm 2 mm 2 mm 2 mm mm mm kg/km daN Ω/km A
16/2.5 15 2.5 17.8 6/1.80 1/1.80 5.4 62 595 1.878 105
25/4.0 23.8 4 27.8 6/2.25 1/2.5 6.8 97 920 1.2002 140
35/6.0 34.3 5.7 40 6/2.70 1/2.70 8.1 140 1265 0.8352 170
44/32.0 44 31.7 75.7 14/2.00 7/2.40 11.2 372 4500 0.6573 220
50/8.0 48.3 8 56.3 6/3.20 1/3.20 9.6 196 1710 0.5946 210
50/30 51.2 29.8 81 12/2.33 7/2.33 11.7 378 4380 0.5643 223
25903 69.9 11.4 81.3 26/1.85 7/1.44 11.7 284 2680 0.413 290
95/15 94.4 15.3 109.7 26/2.15 7/1.67 13.6 383 3575 0.3058 350
95/55 96.5 56.3 152.8 12/3.20 7/3.20 16 712 7935 0.2992 352
105/75 105.7 75.5 181.5 14/3.10 9/2.25 17.5 891 10845 0.2735 385
120/20 121.06 19.8 141.4 26/2.44 7/1.90 15.5 494 4565 0.2374 410
120/70 122 71.3 193.3 12/3.60 7/3.60 18 90 10000 0.2364 410
125/30 127.9 29.8 157.7 30/2.33 7/2.33 16.3 591 5760 0.2259 425
150/25 148.9 24.2 173.1 26/2.70 7/2.10 17.1 605 5525 0.1939 470
170/40 171.8 40.1 211.9 30/2.70 7/2.70 18.9 794 7675 0.1682 520
185/30 183.8 29.8 213.6 26/3.00 7/2.33 19 746 6620 0.1571 535
210/35 209.1 34.1 243.2 26/3.20 7/2.49 20.3 850 7490 0.138 590
210/50 212.1 49.5 261.6 30/3.00 7/3.00 21 981 9390 0.1362 610
230/30 230.9 29.8 260.7 24/3.50 7/2.33 21 877 7310 0.1249 630
240/40 243 39.5 282.5 26/3.45 7/2.68 21.9 987 8640 0.1188 645
265/35 263.7 34.1 297.8 24/3.74 7/2.49 22.4 1002 8305 0.1094 680
300/50 304.3 49.5 353.7 26/3.86 7/3.00 24.5 1236 10700 0.09487 740
305/40 304.6 39.5 344.1 54/2.68 7/2.68 24.1 1160 9940 0.0949 740
340/30 339.3 29.8 369.1 48/3.00 7/2.33 25 1180 9290 0.08509 790
380/50 382 49.5 431.5 54/3.00 7/3.00 27 1453 12310 0.08509 840
385/35 386 34.1 420.1 48/3.20 7/2.49 26.7 1344 10480 0.07573 850
435/55 434.03 59.3 490.6 54/3.20 7/3.20 28.8 1653 13645 0.07478 900
450/40 448.7 39.5 488.2 48/3.45 7/2.68 28.7 1561 12075 0.06656 920
490/65 490.3 63.6 553.9 54/3.40 7/3.40 30.6 1866 15310 0.06434 960
495/35 494.1 34.1 528.2 45/3.74 7/2.49 29.9 1646 12180 0.05846 968
510/45 510.2 45.3 555.5 48/3.68 7/2.87 30.7 1778 13665 0.05655 980
550/70 550 71.3 621.3 54/3.60 7/3.60 32.4 2092 17060 0.05259 1020
560/50 561.7 49.5 611.2 48/3.86 7/3.00 32.2 1954 14895 0.0514 1040
570/40 565.5 39.5 610.3 45/4.00 7/2.68 32.2 1888 13900 0.05108 1040
650/45 698.5 45.3 653.49 45/4.30 7/2.87 34.4 2163 15552 0.0442 1280
680/85 678.8 86 764.8 54/4.00 19/2.40 36 2570 21040 0.0426 1150
1045/45 1045.58 45.3 1090.9 72/4.30 7/2.87 43 3249 21787 0.0277 1570
IEC 61089 Characteristics of A1/S1A Conductors 
Code Number Steel Ratio Areas No. of Wires Wire Dia. Diameter Linear Mass Rated Strength C. Resistance at 20℃
Alum. Steel Total Alum. Steel Alum. Steel Core Cond
  % mm2 mm2 mm2     mm mm mm mm kg/km kN ohm/km
16 17 16 2.67 18.7 6 1 1.84 1.84 1.84 5.53 64.6 6.08 1.7934
25 17 25 4.17 29.2 6 1 2.30 2.30 2.30 6.91 100.9 9.13 1.1478
40 17 40 6.67 46.7 6 1 2.91 2.91 2.91 8.74 161.5 14.40 0.7174
63 17 63 10.5 73.5 6 1 3.66 3.66 3.66 11.0 254.4 21.63 0.4555
100 17 100 16.7 117 6 1 4.61 4.61 4.61 13.8 403.8 34.33 0.2869
125 6 125 6.94 132 18 1 2.97 2.97 2.97 14.9 397.9 29.17 0.2304
125 16 125 20.4 145 26 7 2.47 1.92 5.77 15.7 503.9 45.69 0.2310
160 6 160 8.89 169 18 1 3.36 3.36 3.36 16.8 509.3 36.18 0.1800
160 16 160 26.1 186 26 7 2.80 2.18 6.53 17.7 644.9 57.69 0.1805
200 6 200 11.1 211 18 1 3.76 3.76 3.76 18.8 636.7 44.22 0.1440
200 16 200 32.6 233 26 7 3.13 2.43 7.30 19.8 806.2 70.13 0.1444
250 10 250 24.6 275 22 7 3.80 2.11 6.34 21.6 880.6 68.72 0.1154
250 16 250 40.7 291 26 7 3.50 2.72 8.16 22.2 1007.7 87.67 0.1155
315 7 315 21.8 337 45 7 2.99 1.99 5.97 23.9 1039.6 79.03 0.0917
315 16 315 51.3 366 26 7 3.93 3.05 9.16 24.9 1269.7 106.83 0.0917
400 7 400 27.7 428 45 7 3.36 2.24 6.73 26.9 1320.1 98.36 0.0722
IEC 61089 Characteristics of A1/S1B Conductors 
Code Number Steel Ratio Areas No. of Wires Wire Dia. Diameter Linear Mass Rated Strength C. Resistance at 20℃
Alum. Steel Total Alum. Steel Alum. Steel Core Cond
  % mm2 mm2 mm2     mm mm mm mm kg/km kN ohm/km
16 17 16 2.67 18.7 6 1 1.84 1.84 1.84 5.53 64.6 5.89 1.7934
25 17 25 4.17 29.2 6 1 2.30 2.30 2.30 6.91 100.9 8.83 1.1478
40 17 40 6.67 46.7 6 1 2.91 2.91 2.91 8.74 161.5 13.93 0.7174
63 17 63 10.5 73.5 6 1 3.66 3.66 3.66 11.0 254.4 20.58 0.4555
100 17 100 16.7 117 6 1 4.61 4.61 4.61 13.8 403.8 32.67 0.2869
125 6 125 6.94 132 18 1 2.97 2.97 2.97 14.9 397.9 28.68 0.2304
125 16 125 20.4 145 26 7 2.47 1.92 5.77 15.7 503.9 44.27 0.2310
160 6 160 8.89 169 18 1 3.36 3.36 3.36 16.8 509.3 35.29 0.1800
160 16 160 26.1 186 26 7 2.80 2.18 6.53 17.7 644.9 55.86 0.1805
200 6 200 11.1 211 18 1 3.76 3.76 3.76 18.8 636.7 43.11 0.1440
200 16 200 32.6 233 26 7 3.13 2.43 7.30 19.8 806.2 67.85 0.1444
250 10 250 24.6 275 22 7 3.80 2.11 6.34 21.6 880.6 67.01 0.1154
250 16 250 40.7 291 26 7 3.50 2.72 8.16 22.2 1007.7 84.82 0.1155
315 7 315 21.8 337 45 7 2.99 1.99 5.97 23.9 1039.6 77.51 0.0917
315 16 315 51.3 366 26 7 3.93 3.05 9.16 24.9 1269.7 101.70 0.0917
400 7 400 27.7 428 45 7 3.36 2.24 6.73 26.9 1320.1 96.42 0.0722
400 13 400 51.9 452 54 7 3.07 3.07 9.21 27.6 1510.3 117.85 0.0723
450 7 450 31.1 481 45 7 3.57 2.38 7.14 28.5 1485.2 105.29 0.0642
450 13 450 58.3 508 54 7 3.26 3.26 9.77 29.3 1699.1 132.58 0.0643
IEC 61089 Characteristics of A1/S2A Conductors 
Code Number Steel Ratio Areas No. of Wires Wire Dia. Diameter Linear Mass Rated Strength D.C. Resistance at 20℃
Alum. Steel Total Alum. Steel Alum. Steel Core Cond
  % mm2 mm2 mm2     mm mm mm mm kg/km kN ohm/km
16 17 16 2.67 18.7 6 1 1.84 1.84 1.84 5.53 64.6 6.45 1.7934
25 17 25 4.17 29.2 6 1 2.30 2.30 2.30 6.91 100.9 9.71 1.1478
40 17 40 6.67 46.7 6 1 2.91 2.91 2.91 8.74 161.5 15.33 0.7174
63 17 63 10.5 73.5 6 1 3.66 3.66 3.66 11.0 254.4 22.37 0.4555
100 17 100 16.7 117 6 1 4.61 4.61 4.61 13.8 403.8 35.50 0.2869
125 6 125 6.94 132 18 1 2.97 2.97 2.97 14.9 397.9 30.14 0.2304
125 16 125 20.4 145 26 7 2.47 1.92 5.77 15.7 503.9 48.54 0.2310
160 6 160 8.89 169 18 1 3.36 3.36 3.36 16.8 509.3 37.42 0.1800
160 16 160 26.1 186 26 7 2.80 2.18 6.53 17.7 644.9 61.34 0.1805
200 6 200 11.1 211 18 1 3.76 3.76 3.76 18.8 636.7 45.00 0.1440
200 16 200 32.6 233 26 7 3.13 2.43 7.30 19.8 806.2 74.69 0.1444
250 10 250 24.6 275 22 7 3.80 2.11 6.34 21.6 880.6 72.16 0.1154
250 16 250 40.7 291 26 7 3.50 2.72 8.16 22.2 1007.7 93.37 0.1155
315 7 315 21.8 337 45 7 2.99 1.99 5.97 23.9 1039.6 82.08 0.0917
315 16 315 51.3 366 26 7 3.93 3.05 9.16 24.9 1269.7 114.02 0.0917
400 7 400 27.7 428 45 7 3.36 2.24 6.73 26.9 1320.1 102.23 0.0722
400 13 400 51.9 452 54 7 3.07 3.07 9.21 27.6 1510.3 130.30 0.0723
450 7 450 31.1 481 45 7 3.57 2.38 7.14 28.5 1485.2 111.82 0.0642
450 13 450 58.3 508 54 7 3.26 3.26 9.77 29.3 1699.1 146.58 0.0643
IEC 61089 Characteristics of A1/S2B Conductors 
Code Number Steel Ratio Areas No. of Wires Wire Dia. Diameter Linear Mass Rated Strength D.C. Resistance at 20℃
Alum. Steel Total Alum. Steel Alum. Steel Core Cond
  % mm2 mm2 mm2     mm mm mm mm kg/km kN ohm/km
16 17 16 2.67 18.7 6 1 1.84 1.84 1.84 5.53 64.6 6.27 1.7934
25 17 25 4.17 29.2 6 1 2.30 2.30 2.30 6.91 100.9 9.42 1.1478
40 17 40 6.67 46.7 6 1 2.91 2.91 2.91 8.74 161.5 14.87 0.7174
63 17 63 10.5 73.5 6 1 3.66 3.66 3.66 11.0 254.4 21.63 0.4555
100 17 100 16.7 117 6 1 4.61 4.61 4.61 13.8 403.8 34.33 0.2869
125 6 125 6.94 132 18 1 2.97 2.97 2.97 14.9 397.9 29.65 0.2304
125 16 125 20.4 145 26 7 2.47 1.92 5.77 15.7 503.9 47.12 0.2310
160 6 160 8.89 169 18 1 3.36 3.36 3.36 16.8 509.3 36.80 0.1800
160 16 160 26.1 186 26 7 2.80 2.18 6.53 17.7 644.9 59.51 0.1805
200 6 200 11.1 211 18 1 3.76 3.76 3.76 18.8 636.7 44.22 0.1440
200 16 200 32.6 233 26 7 3.13 2.43 7.30 19.8 806.2 72.41 0.1444
250 10 250 24.6 275 22 7 3.80 2.11 6.34 21.6 880.6 70.44 0.1154
Type AC GOST 839-80 
Nominal Corss-section Number of Wires Wire Diameter Calculated Cross-section Overall Diameter D.C. Resistance at 20 Min. Breaking Load Conductor Weight Grease Weight
mm2   mm mm2 mm Ω/km   kg/km kg/km
10 7 1,35 10,0 4,05 2,8631 1950 27,4
16 7 1,70 15,9 5,10 1,8007 3021 43,0 0,5
25 7 2,13 24,9 6,40 1,1498 4500 68,0 0,5
35 7 2,50 34,3 7,50 0,8347 5913 94,0 0,5
40 7 2,70 40,0 8,09 0,7157 6800 109,4
50 7 3,00 49,5 9,00 0,5784 8198 135,0 0,5
63 7 3,39 63,0 10,16 0,4544 10390 172,3
70 7 3,55 69,3 10,70 0,4131 11288 189,0 1,0
95 7 4,10 92,4 12,30 0,3114 14784 252,0 1,0
100 19 2,59 100,0 12,94 0,2877 17000 274,9
120 19 2,80 117,0 14,00 0,2459 19890 321,0 16
125 19 2,89 125,0 14,47 0,2301 21250 343,6
150 19 3,15 148,0 15,80 0,1944 24420 406,0 20
160 19 3,27 160,0 16,37 0,1798 26400 439,8
185 19 3,50 182,8 17,50 0,1574 29832 502,0 25
200 19 3,66 200,0 18,30 0,1438 32000 549,7
240 19 4,00 238,7 20,00 0,1205 38192 655,0 33
250 19 4,09 250,0 20,47 0,1150 40000 687,1
300 37 3,15 288,3 22,10 0,1000 47569 794,0 54
315 37 3,29 315,0 23,05 0,0915 51970 867,5
350 37 3,45 345,8 24,20 0,0833 57057 952,0 65
Type Ackp Asx GOST 839-80 
Aluminum Section/Steel Core Section Number of Aluminum Wires Aluminum Wire Diameter Number of Steel Wires Steel Wire Diameter Calculated Cross-section Overall Diameter
mm2   mm   mm mm2 mm
(10/1,8) 6 1,50 1 1,50 10,6/1,77 4,5
(16/2,7) 6 1,85 1 1,85 16/2,69 5,6
(25/4,2) 6 2,30 1 2,30 24,9/4,15 6,9
(35/6,2) 6 2,80 1 2,80 36,9/6,15 8,4
40/6,7 6 2,91 1 2,91 40/6,7 8,74
(50/8,0) 6 3,20 1 3,20 48,2/8,04 9,6
63/10,5 6 3,66 1 3,66 63/10,5 10,97
(70/11) 6 3,80 1 3,80 68/11,3 11,4
(70/72) 18 2,20 19 2,20 68,4/72,2 15,4
(95/16) 6 4,50 1 4,50 95,4/15,9 13,5
(95/141) 24 2,20 37 2,20 91,2/141 19,8
100/16,7 6 4,61 1 4,61 100/16,7 13,82
(120/19) 26 2,40 7 1,85 118/18,8 15,2
(120/27) 30 2,20 7 2,20 114/26,6 15,4
125/6,9 18 2,97 1 2,97 125/6,9 14,67
125/20,4 26 2,47 7 1,92 125/20,4 15,67
(150/19) 24 2,80 7 1,85 148/18,8 16,8
(150/24) 26 2,70 7 2,10 149/24,2 17,1
(150/34) 30 2,50 7 2,50 147/34,3 17,5
160/8,9 18 3,36 1 3,36 160/8,9 16,82
160/26,1 26 2,80 7 2,18 160/26,1 17,73
(185/24) 24 3,15 7 2,10 187/24,2 18,9
(185/29) 26 2,98 7 2,30 181/29 18,8
(185/43) 30 2,80 7 2,80 185/43,1 19,6
(185/128) 54 2,10 37 2,10 187/128 23,1
200/11,1 18 3,76 1 3,76 200/11,1 18,81
200/32,6 26 3,13 7 2,43 200/32,6 19,82
(205/27) 24 3,30 7 2,20 205/26,6 19,8
(240/32) 24 3,60 7 2,40 244/31,7 21,6
(240/39) 26 3,40 7 2,65 236/38,6 21,6
NF C 34120 
mm2 No. x mm mm   kN ohms/km kg/km g/m
  Al Steel Total Al Steel Core Total       Al Steel Total Outside layer greased Outside layer ungreased
CANNA 37.7 28.27 9.42 37.69 9 x 2.00 3 x 2.00 - 8.3 117.6 1.625 1.02 80 155 75 6 2
CANNA 59.7 37.7 21.99 59.69 12 x 2.00 7 x 2.00 6 10 117.6 3.27 0.766 103 276 173 7 3
CANNA 75.5 47.71 27.83 75.54 12 x 2.25 7 x 2.25 6.75 11.25 117.6 4.115 0.605 128 349 220 10 4
CANNA 116.2 94.25 21.99 116.24 30 x 2.00 7 x 2.00 6 14 117.6 4.315 0.306 258 432 174 13 7
CROCUS 116.12 94.25 21.99 116.24 30 x 2.00 7 x 2.00 6 14 156.8 4.93 0.306 258 432 174 13 7
CANNA 147.1 119.28 27.83 147.11 30 x 2.25 7 x 2.25 6.75 15.75 117.6 5.4 0.243 327 547 220 18 10
CROCUS 147.1 119.28 27.83 147.11 30 x 2.25 7 x 2.25 6.75 15.75 156.8 6.18 0.243 327 547 220 18 10
CANNA 181.6 147.26 34.36 181.62 30 x 2.50 7 x 2.50 7.5 17.5 117.6 6.49 0.197 403 675 272 22 12
CROCUS 181.6 147.26 34.36 181.62 30 x 2.50 7 x 2.50 7.5 17.5 156.8 7.42 0.197 403 675 272 22 12
CANNA 228 184.72 43.1 227.82 30 x 2.80 7 x 2.80 8.4 19.6 117.6 8.05 0.157 506 848 342 26 15
CROCUS 228 184.72 43.1 227.82 30 x 2.80 7 x 2.80 8.4 19.6 156.8 9.21 0.157 506 848 342 26 15
CANNA 288 233.8 54.55 288.35 30 x 3.15 7 x 3.15 9.45 22.05 117.6 9.85 0.124 642 1074 432 33 18
CROCUS 288 233.8 54.55 288.35 30 x 3.15 7 x 3.15 9.45 22.05 156.8 11.38 0.124 642 1074 432 33 18
CROCUS 297 221.67 75.54 297.21 36 x 2.80 19 x 2.25 11.25 22.45 156.8 17.72 0.1305 594 624 1218 35 20
CROCUS 412 325.72 85.95 411.67 32 x 3.60 19 x 2.40 12 26.4 156.8 17.33 0.0898 676 917 1593 50 25
CROCUS 612 507.83 104.7 611.76 66 x 3.13 19 x 2.65 13.25 32.2 156.8 23.15 0.0566 824 1417 2241 70 40
CROCUS 865 717.33 148.06 865.39 66 x 3.72 19 x 3.15 15.75 38.1 156.8 31.9 0.0405 1164 2010 3174 100 55
CROCUS 1185 956.666 227.82 1184.48 54 x 2.8 37  x 2.80 19.7 44.7 156.8 48.05 0.0303 1796 2682 4478 140 100
JIS C 3110 
Nominal Sectional Area Sectional Area Stranding Overall Diameter Weight Breakign Load Electrical Resistance @20o
AL Steel Total AL Steel
mm^2 mm^2 mm^2 mm^2 No.×mm No.×mm mm Kg/Km KN Ω/Km
25 24.9 4.2 29.1 6/2.30 1/2.30 6.9 101 8.89 1.15
32 31.9 5.3 37.2 6/2.60 1/2.60 7.8 129 11.17 0.899
58 57.7 9.6 67.3 6/3.50 1/3.50 10.5 233 19.40 0.497
95 95.4 15.9 111.3 6/4.50 1/4.50 13.5 385 31.16 0.301
120 124.7 29.1 153.8 30/2.3 7/2.3 16.1 574 54.29 0.233
ACSR/GZ – Aluminium conductors, galvanised steel reinforced AS/NZS 3607 
Strand/wire Cross sectional area Nominal
minimum    breaking load
final modulus of elasticity
of linear
/°C x 10-6
QUINCE 3/1.75 4/1.75 7.2 9.6 16.8 5.3 96 12.7 136 13.9
RAISIN 3/2.50 4/2.50 14.7 19.6 34.3 7.5 193 24.4 136 13.9
SUPER SULTANA 3/3.00 4/3.00 21.2 28.3 49.5 9 280 35 136 13.9
SULTANA 4/3.00 3/3.00 28.3 21.2 49.5 9 242 28.3 119 15.2
WALNUT 4/3.75 3/3.75 44.2 33.1 77.3 11.3 379 43.9 119 15.2
ALMOND 6/2.50 1/2.50 29.2 4.9 34.4 7.5 119 10.5 83 19.3
APRICOT 6/2.75 1/2.75 35.6 5.9 41.5 8.3 144 12.6 83 19.3
APPLE 6/3.00 1/3.00 42.4 7.1 49.5 9 171 14.9 83 19.3
BANANA 6/3.75 1/3.75 66.3 11 77.3 11.3 268 22.8 83 19.3
CHERRY 6/4.75 7/1.60 106 14.1 120 14.3 404 33.2 80 19.9
GRAPE 30/2.50 7/2.50 147 34.4 182 17.5 677 63.5 88 18.4
LEMON 30/3.00 7/3.00 212 49.5 262 21 973 90.4 88 18.4
LYCHEE 30/3.25 7/3.25 249 58.1 307 22.8 1140 105 88 18.4
LIME 30/3.50 7/3.50 289 67.3 356 24.5 1320 122 88 18.4
MANGO 54/3.00 7/3.00 382 49.5 431 27 1440 119 78 19.9
ORANGE 54/3.25 7/3.25 448 58.1 506 29.3 1690 137 78 19.9
OLIVE 54/3.50 7/3.50 519 67.3 587 31.5 1960 159 78 19.9
PAW PAW 54/3.75 19/2.25 596 75.5 672 33.8 2240 178 77 20
PEACH 54/4.75 19/2.85 957 121 1078 42.8 3600 284 77 20
ACSR/AC – Aluminium conductors, aluminium clad steel reinforced AS 3607
Strand/wire Cross sectional area Nominal
minimum    breaking load
final modulus of elasticity
of linear
/°C x 10-6
SKATING 3/1.75 4/1.75 7.2 9.6 16.8 5.3 83 12.3 119 15.3
SOCCER 3/2.50 4/2.50 14.7 19.6 34.3 7.5 171 24.9 119 15.3
SWIMMING 4/3.00 3/3.00 28.3 21.2 49.5 9 218 28.9 106 16.5
TENNIS 4/3.75 3/3.75 44.2 33.1 77.3 11.3 340 42.6 106 16.5
ANGLING 6/2.50 1/2.50 29.5 4.9 34.4 7.5 113 10.6 79 20.1
ARCHERY 6/3.00 1/3.00 42.4 7.1 49.5 9 163 15.1 79 20.1
BASEBALL 6/3.75 1/3.75 66.3 11 77.3 11.3 254 22.3 79 20.1
BOWLS 6/4.75 7/1.60 106 14.1 120 14.3 385 32.7 76 20.6
CRICKET 30/2.50 7/2.50 147 34.4 182 17.5 636 64.4 82 19.4
DARTS 30/3.00 7/3.00 212 49.5 262 21 913 91.6 82 19.4
DICE 30/3.25 7/3.25 249 58.1 307 22.8 1070 106 82 19.4
DIVING 30/3.50 7/3.50 289 67.3 356 24.5 1240 122 82 19.4
GOLF 54/3.00 7/3.00 382 49.5 431 27 1380 120 75 20.6
GYMNASTICS 54/3.25 7/3.25 448 58.1 506 29.3 1620 139 75 20.6
HURDLES 54/3.50 7/3.50 519 67.3 587 31.5 1880 159 75 20.6
LACROSSE 54/3.75 19/2.25 596 75.5 672 33.8 2150 180 74 20.7
RUGBY 54/4.75 19/2.85 957 121 1078 42.8 3450 288 74 20.7
Code Word Size (AWG or kcmil) Stranding (Al/Aw) Diameter (ins.) Weight Per 1000 ft (lbs.) Rated Strength (lbs.) Resistance OHMS/1000ft Allowable Ampacity+ (Amps)
Individual Wires Complete Cable
AL AW Al AW Total DC @20°c AC @75°C
Swan/AW 4 6/1 .0834 .0834 .250 39 16 55 1780 .3917 .4770 145
Swanate/AW 4 7/1 .0772 .1029 .257 39 24 63 2280 .3814 .4642 148
Sparrow/AW 2 6/1 .1052 .1052 .316 62 25 87 2760 .2462 .2997 194
Sparate/AW 2 7/1 .0974 .1299 .325 62 38 100 3510 .2396 .2917 198
Robin/AW 1 6/1 .1182 .1182 .355 78 31 109 3450 .1950 .2373 225
Raven/AW 1/0 6/1 .1327 .1327 .398 99 39 138 4250 .1547 .1884 260
Quail/AW 2/0 6/1 .1490 .1490 .447 124 50 174 5130 .1227 .1494 301
Pigeon/AW 3/0 6/1 .1672 .1672 .502 156 63 219 6300 .09747 .1188 347
Penguin/AW 4/0 6/1 .1878 .1878 .563 197 79 277 7690 .07726 .09422 402
Waxwing/AW 266.8 18/1 .1217 .1217 .609 250 33 283 6820 .06364 .07776 451
Partridge/AW 266.8 26/7 .1013 .0788 .642 251 98 349 10800 .06169 .07541 465
Ostrich/AW 300 26/7 .1074 .0835 .680 283 110 393 12100 .05489 .06712 500
Merlin/AW 336.4 18/1 .1367 .1367 .684 315 42 357 8540 .05044 .06175 522
Linnet/AW 336.4 26/7 .1138 .0885 .721 317 123 440 13500 .04897 .05989 537
Oriole/AW 336.4 30/7 .1059 .1059 .741 318 177 494 16700 .04795 .05861 547
Chickadee/AW 397.5 18/1 .1486 .1486 .743 373 50 422 9780 .04268 .05230 580
Brant/AW 397.5 24/7 .1287 .0858 .772 374 116 490 14100 .04185 .05124 592
Ibis/AW 397.5 26/7 .1236 .0961 .783 374 146 520 15800 .04144 .05072 597
Lark/AW 397.5 30/7 .1151 .1151 .806 375 209 584 19600 .04059 .04965 608
Pelican/AW 477 18/1 .1628 .1628 .814 447 59 507 11500 .03556 04344 651
Flicker/AW 477 24/7 .1410 .0940 .846 449 139 589 16700 .03487 .04273 663
Hawk/AW 477 26/7 .1355 .1054 .858 449 175 624 18900 .03453 .04231 669
Hen/AW 477 30/7 .1261 .1261 .883 450 251 701 23400 .03382 .04139 682
Lapwing/AW 1590 45/7 .1880 .1253 1.504 1498 248 1745 41800 .01069 .01366 1365
High Strength ACSR/AW-Aluminum Conductor Steel Reinforced/AW Core
Code Word Size (AWG or kcmil) Stranding (Al/AW) Diameter (ins.) Weight Per 1000 ft (lbs.) Rated Strength (lbs.) Resistance OHMS/1000ft Allowable Ampacity+ (Amps)
Individual Wires Complete Cable
AL AW Al AW Total DC @20°c AC @75°C
Grouse/AW 80.0 8/1 .1000 .1670 .367 75.1 62.6 137.7 4,890 .1942 .2357 227
Petrel/AW 101.8 12/7 .0921 .0921 .460 96.0 133.9 229.9 9,910 .1425 .1736 281
Minorca/AW 110.8 12/7 .0961 .0961 .481 104.5 145.8 250.3 10,800 .1326 .1594 297
Leghorn/AW 134.6 12/7 .1059 .1059 .530 127.0 177.0 304.0 13,000 .1078 .1313 335
Guinea/AW 159.0 12/7 .1151 .1151 .576 150.0 209.1 359.1 15,300 .09123 .1112 372
Dotterel/AW 176.9 12/7 .1261 .1261 .631 180.0 251.0 399.5 16,900 .08201 .09988 398
Dorking/AW 190.8 12/7 .1261 .1261 .631 180.0 251.0 431.0 18,300 .07601 .09261 418
Brahma/AW 203.2 16/19 .1127 .0977 .714 191.7 411.0 602.7 21,100 .06570 .07994 464
Cochin/AW 211.3 12/7 .1327 .1327 .664 199.3 278.0 477.3 19800 .06863 .8364 445
+Conductor temperature of 75°C, ambient temperature 25°C, emissivity 0.5, wind 2 ft./sec. in sun.

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Add: Factory 1:No.33 Jinan City, Shandong Province,China
Factory 2: No. 28 Zhengzhou City, Henan Province,China
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