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MV Aerial Bundled Cable(ASTM) Covered Aerial MV Cable Tree Wire Spacer Cable

MV Covered Aerial Cable(ASTM)

Covered Aerial MV Cable (Spacer Cable or Tree Wire); 5kv AAC ACSR Tree Wire; 15kv AAC ACSRTree Wire (All-Aluminum Conductors); 2-Layer 15kV AAC AAAC ACSR Tree Wire Spacer Cable; 3-Layer 15kV AAC AAAC ACSR Tree Wire Spacer Cable; 3-Layer 25kV AAC AAAC ACSR Tree Wire Spacer Cable; 3-Layer 35kV AAC AAAC ACSR Tree Wire Spacer Cable; 3-Layer 46kV Tree Wire

ASTM Covered Aerial Medium Voltage Covered Conductor (Spacer Cable Or Tree Wire)

Spacer Cable Or Tree Wire Application
Covered Aerial MV Cable – Installed with other Covered Aerial MV cables and a supporting messenger through a series of space- maintaining devices (spacers). The resulting close-proximity configuration minimizes the amount of space and hardware required for line installation, particularly useful in congested areas.
Tree Wire – Used for spans where trees crowd the right-of-way, such as in wooded residential areas, when a minimum of interference with the environment is desired. Covering minimizes power outages due to conductor contact with tree limbs, reducing the need for frequent or severe trimming.
Spacer Cable – Installed with other spacer cables and a supporting messenger through a series of space-maintaining devices (spacers). The resulting close-proximity configuration minimizes the amount of space and hardware required for line installation; particularly useful in congested areas.
Spacer Cable Or Tree Wire Construction
AAC, AAAC, ACSR Hard drawn Aluminum conductors & high die electric strength; Galvanise steel wire zinc coated & high impact/ abrasion resistant
concentrically stranded insulated with Cross-linked polyethylene (XLPE)
Jacketed with weather, track & sunlight resistant High density polyethylene (HDPE)
Spacer Cable Or Tree Wire Sandards
●American Standard One Two Three Layer MV 5kv 15KV25KV 35KV Overhead Covered Conductor.
●ASTM B230 Standard Specification for Aluminum1350-H19 Wire for Electrical Purposes
ASTM B231 Standard Specification for Concentric-Lay-Stranded Aluminum1350Conductors
●ASTM B232 Standard Specification for Concentric-Lay-Stranded Aluminum Conductors, Coated-Steel Reinforced(ACSR)
●ASTM B398 Standard Specification for Aluminum-Alloy 6201-T81 and 6201-T83 Wire for Electrical Purposes
●ASTM B399 Standard Specification for Concentric-Lay-Stranded Aluminum-Alloy 6201-T81Conductors
●ASTM B400 Standard Specification for CompactRound Concentric-Lay-Stranded Conductors
●ASTM D2656 Standard Specification for Cross-linked Polyethylene Insulation for Wire and Cable Rated 2001 to 35 000 V
●ASTM D1248 Standard Specification for Polyethylene Plastics Extrusion Materials for Wire and Cable
●ICEAS-70-547Standard Specification for Weather Resistant Polyethylene Covered Conductors
●The conductor shield shall be an extruded back semiconductor polymer meeting the physical requirements of ICEA S-61-402.
●Available with track-resistant high-density polyethylene(TR-HDPE)per ASTM D1248 or Track-Resistant Cross-linked Polyethylene(TK XLPE) covering per ASTM D2656 and ICEA S-

One-Layer 5kv 15kv Tree Wire
One-Layer 5kv AAC Tree Wire (All-Aluminum Conductors)
Size (AWG or kcmil) Stranding Cover Thickness (mils) Cable O.D.+ (mils) Rated Strenght (lbs) Weight per 1000 ft. (lbs)
4 7 80 385 793 72
2 7 80 443 1210 102
1 19 80 482 1570 121
1/0 19 80 522 1940 146
2/0 19 80 565 2400 176
3/0 19 80 616 2980 215
4/0 19 80 672 3620 263
250 37 80 718 4420 300
266.8 19 80 734 4470 322
300 37 80 771 5300 353
336.4 37 80 807 5790 391
350 37 80 821 6080 406
477 37 80 931 7820 536
500 37 80 950 8200 560
One-Layer 5kv ACSR Tree Wire (Aluminum Conductor Steel Reinforced)
4 6/1 80 410 1770 94
2 6/1 80 476 2710 137
1 6/1 80 514 3370 166
1/0 6/1 80 558 4160 202
2/0 6/1 80 607 5040 247
3/0 6/1 80 662 6290 303
4/0 6/1 80 723 7930 374
266.8 18/1 80 769 6540 372
266.8 26/7 80 802 10700 449
336.4 18/1 80 844 8250 458
336.4 26/7 80 880 13400 555
397.5 18/1 80 903 9440 534
397.5 26/7 80 943 15500 647
477 18/1 80 974 11200 631
477 26/7 80 1018 185000 767
One-Layer 15kv AAC Tree Wire (All-Aluminum Conductors)
4 7 150 525 793 114
2 7 150 583 1210 150
1 19 150 622 1570 172
1/0 19 150 662 1940 --
2/0 19 150 705 2400 236
3/0 19 150 756 2980 279
4/0 19 150 812 3620 333
266.8 19 150 874 4470 397
300 37 150 911 5300 432
336.4 37 150 947 5790 473
350 37 150 961 6080 489
477 37 150 1071 7820 631
500 37 150 1090 8200 656
One-Layer 15kv ACSR Tree Wire (Aluminum Conductor Steel Reinforced)
4 6/1 150 550 1770 139
2 6/1 150 616 2710 188
1 6/1 150 654 3370 221
1/0 6/1 150 698 4160 261
2/0 6/1 150 747 5040 --
3/0 6/1 150 802 6290 372
4/0 6/1 150 863 7930 449
266.8 18/1 150 909 6540 451
266.8 26/7 150 942 10700 531
336.4 18/1 150 984 8250 545
336.4 26/7 150 1020 13400 645
397.5 18/1 150 1043 9440 626
397.5 26/7 150 1083 15500 743
477 18/1 150 1114 11200 730
477 26/7 150 1158 18500 870
2-Layer ACSR AAAC AAC 15kV Tree Wire
2-Layer 15kV ACSR Tree Wire
4 6/1 250 75 75
2 6/1 316 75 75
1/0 6/1 398 75 75
2/0 6/1 447 75 75
3/0 6/1 502 75 75
4/0 6/1 563 75 75
266.8 18/1 609 75 75
266.8 26/7 642 75 75
336.4 18/1 684 75 75
336.4 26/7 720 75 75
336.4 30/7 741 75 75
397.5 18/1 743 75 75
397.5 24/7 772 75 75
397.5 26/7 783 75 75
477 24/7 846 75 75
477 26/7 858 75 75
477 30/7 883 75 75
556.5 18/1 879 75 75
556.5 24/7 914 75 75
556.5 26/7 927 75 75
636 18/1 940 75 75
636 24/7 977 75 75
636 26/7 990 75 75
795 26/7 1108 80 80
795 45/7 1063 80 80
2-Layer 15kV AAAC Tree Wire
48.69 4 7 250 75
77.47 2 7 316 75
123.3 1/0 7 398 75
155.4 2/0 7 447 75
195.7 3/0 7 502 75
246.9 4/0 7 563 75
312.8 266.8 19 642 75
394.5 336.4 19 720 75
465.4 397.5 19 782 75
559.5 477 19 858 75
652.4 556.5 19 927 75
740.8 636 37 990 80
2-Layer 15kV AAC Tree  Wire
1/0 7 336 75 75
2/0 7 376 75 75
3/0 7 423 75 75
4/0 7 475 75 75
266.8 19 537 75 75
336.4 19 603 75 75
397.5 19 659 75 75
477 19 722 75 75
556.5 37 780 75 75
636 37 835 75 75
3-Layer 15kV 25kV 35kV Tree Wire
3-Layer 15kV ACSR Tree Wire
Size (AWG or kcmil) Stranding Conductor Diameter (mils) Covering Thickness (mils) Cable O.D. (mils)
      Conductor Shield Inner Layer
4 6/1 250 15 75
2 6/1 316 15 75
1/0 6/1 398 15 75
2/0 6/1 447 15 75
3/0 6/1 502 15 75
4/0 6/1 563 15 75
266.8 18/1 609 15 75
266.8 26/7 642 15 75
336.4 18/1 684 15 75
336.4 26/7 720 15 75
336.4 30/7 741 15 75
397.5 18/1 743 15 75
397.5 24/7 772 15 75
397.5 26/7 783 15 75
477 24/7 846 15 75
477 26/7 858 15 75
477 30/7 883 15 75
556.5 18/1 879 20 75
556.5 24/7 914 20 75
556.5 26/7 927 20 75
636 18/1 940 20 75
636 26/7 990 20 75
3-Layer 15kV AAAC Tree  Wire
48.69 4 7 250 15
77.47 2 7 316 15
123.3 1/0 7 398 15
155.4 2/0 7 447 15
195.7 3/0 7 502 15
246.9 4/0 7 563 15
312.8 266.8 19 642 15
394.5 336.4 19 720 15
465.4 397.5 19 783 15
559.5 477 19 858 15
652.4 556.5 19 927 20
740.8 636 37 990 20
3-Layer 15kV AAC Tree Wire
1/0 7 336 15 75
2/0 7 376 15 75
3/0 7 423 15 75
4/0 7 475 15 75
266.8 19 537 15 75
336.4 19 603 15 75
397.5 19 659 15 75
477 19 722 15 75
556.5 37 780 20 75
636 37 835 20 80
795 37 932 20 80
3-Layer 25kV ACSR Tree Wire
1/0 6/1 398 15 125
2/0 6/1 447 15 125
3/0 6/1 502 15 125
4/0 6/1 563 15 125
266.8 18/1 609 15 125
266.8 26/7 642 15 125
336.4 18/1 684 15 125
336.4 26/7 720 15 125
336.4 30/7 741 15 125
397.5 18/1 743 15 125
397.5 24/7 772 15 125
397.5 26/7 783 15 125
477 24/7 846 20 125
477 26/7 858 20 125
477 30/7 883 20 125
556.5 18/1 879 20 125
556.5 24/7 914 20 125
556.5 26/7 927 20 125
3-Layer 25kV AAAC Tree Wire
48.69 4 7 250 15
77.47 2 7 316 15
123.3 1/0 7 398 15
155.4 2/0 7 447 15
195.7 3/0 7 502 15
246.9 4/0 7 563 15
312.8 266.8 19 642 15
394.5 336.4 19 720 15
465.4 397.5 19 783 15
559.5 477 19 858 20
652.4 556.5 19 927 20
740.8 636 37 990 20
927.2 795 37 1108 20
3-Layer 25kV AAC Tree  Wire
1/0 7 336 15 125
2/0 7 376 15 125
3/0 7 423 15 125
4/0 7 475 15 125
266.8 19 537 15 125
336.4 19 603 15 125
397.5 19 659 15 125
477 19 722 20 125
556.5 37 780 20 125
636 37 835 20 125
795 37 932 20 125
3-Layer 35kV ACSR Tree Wire
1/0 6/1 398 15 175
2/0 6/1 447 15 175
4/0 6/1 563 15 175
266.8 18/1 609 15 175
266.8 26/7 642 15 175
336.4 18/1 684 15 175
336.4 26/7 720 15 175
336.4 30/7 741 15 175
397.5 18/1 743 15 175
397.5 24/7 772 15 175
397.5 26/7 783 15 175
477 24/7 846 20 175
477 26/7 858 20 175
477 30/7 883 20 175
556.5 18/1 879 20 175
556.5 24/7 914 20 175
556.5 26/7 927 20 175
636 18/1 940 20 175
636 26/7 990 20 175
795 26/7 1107 20 175
795 45/7 1063 20 175
3-Layer 35kV AAAC Tree  Wire
48.69 4 7 250 15
77.47 2 7 316 15
123.3 1/0 7 398 15
155.4 2/0 7 447 15
195.7 3/0 7 502 15
246.9 4/0 7 563 15
312.8 266.8 19 642 15
394.5 336.4 19 720 15
465.4 397.5 19 783 15
559.5 477 19 858 20
652.4 556.5 19 927 20
3-Layer 35kV AAC Tree  Wire
1/0 7 336 15 175
2/0 7 376 15 175
3/0 7 423 15 175
4/0 7 475 15 175
266.8 19 537 15 175
336.4 19 603 15 175
397.5 19 659 15 175
477 19 722 20 175
556.5 37 780 20 175
636 37 835 20 175
795 37 932 20 175
3-Layer 46kV Tree Wire
3-Layer 46kV Tree Wire
Conductor Size Stranding Conductor Diameter Covering Thickness
Cable O.D. Rated Strength Weight per 1000 ft.
(AWG or kcmil) / (mils) Conductor Shield Inner Layer Outer Layer (mils) (lbs) (lbs)
ACSR 1/0 6/1 398 15 225 175 1244 4161 2040
2/0 6/1 447 15 225 175 1293 5045 2257
4/0 6/1 563 15 225 175 1409 7933 2836
266.8 18/1 609 15 225 175 1455 6536 2914
266.8 26/7 642 15 225 175 1488 10735 3228
336.4 18/1 684 15 225 175 1530 8246 3306
336.4 26/7 720 15 225 175 1566 13395 3695
336.4 30/7 741 15 225 175 1587 16435 3941
397.5 18/1 743 15 225 175 1589 9443 3635
397.5 24/7 772 15 225 175 1618 13870 3953
397.5 26/7 783 15 225 175 1629 15485 4087
477 24/7 846 20 225 175 1692 16340 4123
477 26/7 858 20 225 175 1704 18525 4452
477 30/7 883 20 225 175 1729 22610 4635
556.5 18/1 879 20 225 175 1725 13015 4469
556.5 24/7 914 20 225 175 1760 18810 4897
556.5 26/7 927 20 225 175 1773 21470 5084
636 18/1 940 20 225 175 1786 14915 4870
636 26/7 990 20 225 175 1836 23940 5557
795 26/7 1107 20 225 175 1953 29925 6495
795 45/7 1063 20 225 175 1909 20995 5769
AAAC 48.69 7 250 15 225 175 1096 1584 1460
77.47 7 316 15 225 175 1162 2520 1677
123.3 7 398 15 225 175 1244 4014 1976
155.4 7 447 15 225 175 1293 4851 2169
195.7 7 502 15 225 175 1348 6111 2399
246.9 7 563 15 225 175 1409 7704 2674
312.8 19 642 15 225 175 1488 9900 3028
394.5 19 720 15 225 175 1566 11970 3428
465.4 19 720 15 225 175 1566 14040 3642
559.5 19 858 20 225 175 1704 16920 4197
652.4 19 927 20 225 175 1773 19710 4613
AAC 1/0 7 336 15 175 125 1182 1791 1801
2/0 7 376 15 175 125 1222 2259 1963
3/0 7 423 15 175 125 1269 2736 2160
4/0 7 475 15 175 125 1321 3447 2394
266.8 19 537 15 175 125 1383 4473 2683
336.4 19 603 15 175 125 1449 5535 3023
397.5 19 659 15 175 125 1505 6399 3317
477 19 722 20 175 125 1568 7524 3681
556.5 37 780 20 175 125 1626 8946 4035
636 37 835 20 175 125 1681 10260 4383
795 37 932 20 175 125 1778 12510 5054

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Add: Factory 1:No.33 Jinan City, Shandong Province,China
Factory 2: No. 28 Zhengzhou City, Henan Province,China
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