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ABC Cable Accessories And Fittings

ABC Cable Accessories And Fittings

Low Voltage Aerial Bunched Cable (LV ABC) Accessories FeaturesUni Industry Group Co., Ltd. also has a full range of AB Cable (Aerial Bundled Cable) accessories

Low Voltage Aerial Bunched Cable (LV ABC) Accessories Features

Uni Industry Group Co., Ltd. also has a full range of AB Cable (Aerial Bundled Cable) accessories and fittings which conform to NFC and IEC standards. These products are available for all varieties and sizes of AB Cables. 
Our product range includes products such as Insulated Piercing Connector, Anchoring Clamp assemblies, Suspension Clamp assemblies, Dead End Clamp assembles, Tension Clamp Assemblies, Pig Tail Hooks, Anchoring and Suspension Brackets, Suspension brackets, End Caps, etc.

LV ABC Accessories Specifications

S. No.   LV ABC Accessories   Reference Standard   Application  
Anchoring / Tension Clamp  IEC / NFC  Bare Neutral Messenger:  
Bolted Type, Clamp/Keeper made of aluminium,  
U-Bolts, Nuts & Washers are galvanized.  
Range: 16 to 210 sq. mm. 
Insulated Neutral Messenger:  
Clamp body made of corrosion resistant al. alloy Wedges made of polymer  
Bail made of stainless steel 
Range: 25 to 120 sq. mm. 
Self-Supporting Conductor: 
Accommodates 2 to 4 insulated cables of self-supporting system 
Clamp made with Galvanized Steel  
Arms/bail and Wedges made of polymer  
Ranges: 2 cores: 4 to 95 sq. mm 
4 cores: 25 to 95 
Service Clamp with Bracket 
Accommodates 2 to 4 insulated service lines 
Ranges: 2 cores: 16 to 25 sq. mm 
4 cores: 16 to 25 
Suspension Clamp  IEC / NFC  Bare Neutral Messenger:  
Bolted Type, Clamp/keeper made of aluminium  
U-Bolts, Nuts & Washers are galvanized 
Range: 16 to 210 sq. mm. 
Insulated Neutral Messenger:  
Clamp/Link made of polymer  
Range: 25 to 120 sq. mm. 
Self-Supporting Conductor:  
Accommodates 2 to 4 insulated cables of self-supporting system 
Clamp made with galvanized steel support and anti UV black resistant thermoplastic insert to grip 2 or 4 conductors 
Ranges: 2 cores: 50 to 95 sq. mm 
4 cores: 35 to 120 
Pre-Insulated Sleeves/Joints (MJPT)  NFC 33-021  Joining (Pre-insulated) of two LV ABC Cables 
Range: 16 to 150 sq. mm. 
Pre-Insulated Lugs (CPTAU)  NFC 33-021  Connection (Pre-insulated) between LV ABC Cable and Transformer or End Connection 
Range: 16 to 150 sq. mm. 
Insulation Piercing Connector (IPC) for LV ABC  NFC / EN  Insulated Main to Insulated Main (Upto  
Insulated Main to Insulated Tap (Upto 
Insulated Tap to Insulated Service Connection (Upto 
Bare to Insulated Main/Tap 
Insulation Piercing Connector (IPC) for Covered Conductor  NFC / EN  Insulated Main to Insulated Main 
Upto 33kV,  
7 End Cap    Thermoplastic End Cap suitable for 16 to 150 sq. mm. 
8 Eye Hooks, Pole Clamps & Brackets    Eye Hook: Flat Type and Bolted Type (HDG) 
Pole Clamp: Galvanized Steel Circular & Rectangular Pole Clamps
Bracket: Universal fixing Brackets 
9 Stainless Steel Strap    Stainless Steel Strap, Buckles SS Straps & Buckles used to fixing Brackets

LV ABC Accessories Types

  • - Accessories for mounting and fixing LV ABC on the poles, they have a primarily mechanical role and they include Tension clamps PA, Suspension clamps PS, different types of Brackets CA , CS , CA – CS and cluster mounts, as well as cable fixing clamps BRF
  • - Accessories for jointing and termination of LV ABC, they have a role to extend the main line, i.e to joint two main lines and they include Pre-insulated joints MJPB and MJPT and Insulated piercing connectors, CPTAU cable lugs , End caps
  • - Accessories for branching LV ABC, they have both mechanical and electrical role and they include Insulated piercing connectors, MJPB joints, Pre-insulated mechanical joints, Adapters and similar technical solutions
  • - Accessories for protection and safety during electrical works in construction of LV ABC networks and protection from overvoltage and electric shocks, they include devices like PMCC and similar devices
Types of LV ABC
LV ABC with neutral messenger Self supporting LV ABC LV ABC with bare neutral messenger

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Add: Factory 1:No.33 Jinan City, Shandong Province,China
Factory 2: No. 28 Zhengzhou City, Henan Province,China
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