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GSW Cable/Guy Wire/Stay Wire/ Earth Wire

GSW Cable/Guy Wire/Stay Wire/ Earth Wire

Galvanised Stranded Conductor;GSW Wire; Messenger Wire; Overhead Ground or Stay Wire; Guy Wire; GI Wire GSW Cable-Galvanized Steel Wire Cable
Messenger Wire, Overhead Ground or Static Wire, Guy Wire
Galvanized steel strand wire can be used as ground wire of overhead line, but also can be used as structural cable, supporting cable, cable, block cable and cable reinforcement core. It is made of wire twisted together. There are mainly ASTM standards, BS standards, IEC standards and other production standards. It is widely used in energy, construction, bridge, water conservancy and geotechnical engineering.
ASTM A-475 , CSA G12-92 , BS183
Concentrically stranded
Common, High Strength and Extra High Strength

Data Sheet
GSW Cable-Galvanized Steel Wire Cable – Standard ASTM A475

No.of Wires Dia.of Wires Approx.Strand Dia. Approx.Strand Dia. Siemem Martin Grade High Strength Grade Extra-high Strength Grade Approx.Weight
No. Dia. Inch mm KN KN KN kg/km
3 2.64 7/32 5.56 10.409 15.569 21.796 131
3 3.05 1/4 6.35 13.523 21.04 29.981 174
3 3.05 1/4 6.35 174
3 3.3 9/32 7.14 15.035 23.398 33.362 204
3 3.68 5/16 7.94 18.193 28.246 40.479 256
3 4.19 3/8 9.52 24.732 37.187 52.489 328
7 1.04 1/8 3.18 4.048 5.916 8.14 49
7 1.32 5/32 3.97 6.539 9.519 13.078 76
7 1.57 3/16 4.76 8.452 12.677 17.748 108
7 1.65 3/16 4.76 118
7 1.83 3/16 5.56 11.387 17.126 24.02 145
7 2.03 7/32 6.35 14.012 21.129 29.581 181
7 2.36 1/4 7.14 18.905 28.469 39.812 243
7 2.64 9/32 7.94 23.798 35.586 49.82 305
7 2.77 5/16 7.94 335
7 3.05 3/8 9.52 30.915 48.04 68.503 407
7 3.68 7/16 11.11 41.591 64.499 92.523 594
7 4.19 1/2 12.7 53.823 83.627 119.657 768
7 4.78 9/16 14.29 69.837 108.981 155.688 991
7 5.26 5/8 15.88 84.961 131.667 188.605 1211
19 2.54 1/2 12.7 56.492 84.961 118.768 751
19 2.87 9/16 12.49 71.616 107.202 149.905 948
19 3.18 5/8 15.88 80.513 124.995 178.819 1184
19 3.81 3/4 19.05 116.543 181.487 259.331 1719
19 4.5 7/8 22.22 159.691 248.211 354.523 2352
19 5.08 1 25.4 209.066 325.61 464.839 2384
37 3.63 1 25.4 205.508 319.827 456.832 3061
37 4.09 11/8 28.58 262 407.457 581.827 4006
37 4.55 11/4 31.75 324.72 505.318 721.502 4833


Code Nominal   strand diameter Nominal   wire diameter Nominal   cross-section area No. of   wires Minimum breaking load, Approx.
KN weight
size   in mm mm mm2 wires 800 1100 1300 1500 kg/km
3/16 4.95 1.65 14.97 7 10.67 15.56 17.78 21.34 117
1/4 6.32 2.11 24.48 7 17.34 25.34 28.45 35.12 191
9/32 7.24 2.41 31.93 7 23.12 33.34 37.78 45.79 249
5/16 8.31 2.77 42.18 7 30.23 44.01 49.34 60.46 329
3/8 9.14 3.05 51.14 7 36.45 53.34 60.01 73.35 399
7/16 10.97 3.66 73.65 7 52.9 76.9 86.68 105.8 574
1/2 12.57 4.19 96.52 7 69.35 100.91 113.35 138.69 753
9/16 14.33 4.78 125.62 7 90.24 131.14 147.58 180.48 980
9/16 14.45 2.89 124.64 19 84.02 122.25 137.36 168.03 972
5/8 15.77 5.26 152.11 7 109.35 159.14 178.7 218.71 1186
5/8 16.1 3.22 154.72 19 102.24 149.36 167.59 204.93 1207
11/16 17.48 3.45 177.62 19 122.25 177.81 200.04 244.49 1385
3/4 19.35 3.87 223.49 19 148.92 216.49 243.6 297.83 1743
13/16 20.7 4.14 255.77 19 172.03 248.94 280.5 342.73 1995
7/8 22.71 4.54 307.58 19 205.37 299.17 336.51 411.19 2399
15/16 23.88 4.77 339.53 19 228.49 332.06 373.85 456.97 2648
1 25.6 5.12 391.19 19 262.72 381.85 429.86 524.99 3051
Nominal Dia. of strand Number of wires in   Strand Nominal Dia.   of coated wries in strand Approx.   Weight of strand Min.   Breaking Strength ,
Utilites Grad A Common   Grade Siemens-Martin   Grade Hign-Strength   Grade Extra   High-Strength Grade
in. mm   in. mm lb/1000ft kg/km  lbf KN  lbf KN  lbf KN  lbf KN  lbf KN
1/8 3.18 7 0.041 1.04 32 48   540 2.402 910 4.048 1330 5.916 1830 8.14
5/32 3.97 7 0.052 1.32 51 76   870 3.87 1470 6.539 2140 9.519 2940 13.078
3/16 4.76 7 0.062 1.57 73 109   1150 5.115 1900 8.452 2850 12.677 3990 17.748
3/16 4.76 7 0.065 1.65 80 119 2400 10.676    
7/32 5.56 3 0.104 2.64 88 131   1400 6.228 2340 10.409 3500 15.569 4900 21.796
7/32 5.56 7 0.072 1.83 98 146   1540 6.85 2560 11.387 3850 17.126 5400 24.02
1/4 6.35 3 0.12 3.05 117 174 3150 14.012 1860 8.274 3040 13.523 4730 21.04 6740 29.981
1/4 6.35 3 0.12 3.05 117 174 4500 20.017      
1/4 6.35 7 0.08 2.03 121 180   1900 8.452 3150 14.012 4750 21.129 6650 29.581
9/32 7.14 3 0.13 3.3 137 204   2080 9.252 3380 15.035 5260 23.398 7500 33.362
9/32 7.14 7 0.093 2.36 164 244 4600 20.462 2570 11.432 4250 18.905 6400 28.469 8950 39.812
5/16 7.94 3 0.145 3.68 171 255 6500 28.913 2490 11.076 4090 18.193 6350 28.246 9100 40.479
5/16 7.94 7 0.104 2.64 205 305   3200 14.234 5350 23.798 8000 35.586 11200 49.82
5/16 7.94 7 0.109 2.77 225 335 6000 26.689      
3/8 9.52 3 0.165 4.19 220 328 8500 37.81 3330 14.813 5560 24.732 8360 37.187 11800 52.489
3/8 9.52 7 0.12 3.05 273 407 11500 51.155 4250 18.905 6950 30.915 10800 48.04 15400 68.503
7/16 11.11 7 0.145 3.68 399 595 18000 80.068 5700 25.355 9350 41.591 14500 64.499 20800 92.523
1/2 12.7 7 0.165 4.19 517 770 25000 111.206 7400 32.917 12100 53.823 18800 83.627 26900 119.657
1/2 12.7 19 0.1 2.54 504 751   7620 33.895 12700 56.492 19100 84.961 26700 118.768
9/16 14.29 7 0.188 4.78 671 1000   9600 42.703 15700 69.837 24500 108.981 35000 155.688
9/16 14.29 19 0.113 2.87 637 949   9640 42.881 16100 71.616 24100 107.202 33700 149.905
5/8 15.88 7 0.207 5.26 813 1211   11600 51.599 19100 84.961 29600 131.667 42400 188.605
5/8 15.88 19 0.125 3.18 796 1186   11000 48.93 18100 80.513 28100 124.995 40200 178.819
3/4 19.05 19 0.15 3.81 1155 1721   16000 71.172 26200 116.543 40800 181.487 58300 259.311
7/8 22.22 19 0.177 4.5 1581 2356   21900 97.416 35900 159.691 55800 248.211 79700 354.523
Stranding   wire no./Dia. Approx. Strand Dia. Weight Min.   Breaking load of strand
Grade 1000 Grade1150 Grade1300
mm kg/km KN KN KN
3/1.80 3.9 60 7.63 8.78 9.92
3/2.65 5.7 129 16.55 19.03 21.51
3/3.25 7 194 24.89 28.62 32.35
3/4.00 8.6 294 37.7 43.35 49.01
4/1.80 4.3 79 10.18 11.71 13.23
4/2.65 6.4 172 22.06 25.37 28.68
4/3.25 7.8 259 33.18 38.16 43.14
4/4.00 9.7 392 50.27 57.81 65.35
5/1.50 4.1 69 8.84 10.16 11.49
5/1.80 4.9 99 12.72 14.63 16.54
5/2.65 7.2 215 27.58 31.71 35.85
5/3.25 8.8 324 41.48 47.7 53.92
5/4.00 10.8 490 62.83 72.26 81.68
7/1.60 4.8 110 14.07 16.19 18.3
7/1.80 5.4 139 17.81 20.48 23.16
7/2.00 6 172 21.99 25.29 28.59
7/2.36 7.1 239 30.62 35.21 39.81
7/2.65 8 301 38.61 44.4 50.19
7/3.00 9 386 49.48 56.9 64.32
7/3.15 9.5 426 54.55 62.73 70.92
7/3.25 9.8 453 58.07 66.78 75.49
7/3.65 11 571 73.24 84.23 95.22
7/4.00 12 686 87.96 101.16 114.35
7/4.25 12.8 775 99.3 114.2 129.1
7/4.75 14.3 968 124.04 142.65 161.26
19/1.60 8 298 38.2 43.93 49.66
19/2.00 10 466 59.69 68.64 77.6
19/2.50 12.5 727 93.27 107.26 121.25
19/3.00 15 1048 134.3 154.45 174.59
19/3.55 17.8 1467 188.06 216.27 244.48
19/4.00 20 1862 238.76 274.58 310.39

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Add: Factory 1:No.33 Jinan City, Shandong Province,China
Factory 2: No. 28 Zhengzhou City, Henan Province,China
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