Multi-mode fiber(multi mode fiber): the central glass core is coarser (50 or 62.5μM) and can transmit light in a variety of modes. However, its intermodal dispersion is large, which limits the frequency of transmitting digital signals, and increases more often with distance. For example, 600MB/KM fiber has only 300MB of bandwidth at 2KM. Therefore, multimode fiber transmission distance is relatively close, generally only a few kilometers.
Single mode fiber: the central glass core is thin (the core diameter is typically 8-10μm) and can transmit only one mode of light. therefore, its inter-mode dispersion is very small, suitable for remote communication, but there is still material dispersion and wave guide dispersion, so that the single-mode fiber on the light source spectrum width and stability has higher requirements, that is, the spectral width is narrow, stability is better.
All of Uni-fiber's fiber optic cables can be customized to
single mode or multi-mode, and the following are some fiber optic cable classifications owned by Uni-fiber, if you have more questions, please cantact us: WhatsApp/Mobile/WeChat:
+86 186 3866 8721 or email us at
info@uni-fibercable.comFTTH Drop CableFTTH Drop Cables are designed to connect the fiber access point to the ONT on the home in a FTTH network. It offers an efficient and economical solution for deploying fiber in FTTH network.
FTTH (fiber to the home) networks are installed in many areas covering indoor and outdoor sections and the transition in between. Different types of fiber optic cables are well developed to fulfill the cabling requirements of other regions. As an essential part of the FTTH network, the drop cable forms the final external link between the subscriber and the feeder cable.
FTTH drop cables, as previously mentioned, are located on the subscriber end to connect the terminal of a distribution cable to a subscribers premises. They are typically small diameter, low fiber count cables with limited unsupported span lengths, which can be installed aerially, underground, or buried. As it is used outdoor, drop cable shall have a minimum pull strength of 1335 Newtons according to the industry standard. Fiber optic drop cables are available in many different types. The three most commonly used fiber drop cables include
flat drop cable,
figure-8 aerial drop cable, and
round drop cable.
① FTTH Outdoor Aerial Cable
Central loose tube cables and
self- supporting FTTH drop cables are designed for outdoor aerial distribution. With non-metal strength member, suitable for access network and local network in high electromagnetic interfering places.
FTTH Duct CableArmored FTTH duct cables are made for connecting user's devices with outdoor feeder cable, especially suitable for duct installation. It features good waterproof and antirodents performance.
Indoor CableWith simple installation, FTTH indoor cables can be directly connected to the homes. They a re suitable for connecting communication equipment, and used as access building cables in premise distribution system.
FTTH Fiber Cable Features• Soft and flexible, good bending performance
• Easy to installation, handling and maintenance
• Good waterproof and flame retardant performance
• Specially used in the FTTH projects- indoor/outdoor installations
FTTH Drop Cable Product Series
FRP or Steel Wire Strength Member+2.0*3.0 LSZH or PVC Bow-type Drop Cable |
Ribbon Fibers+2.0*4.0 LSZH Drop Cable |
Bow-type drop cable for duct |
Self-Supporting Wires+2.0*5.2 LSZH Drop Cable |
Self-Supporting Wires+Ribbon Fibers+1.7*3.8 LSZH Drop Cable |
Micro Tube Indoor Outdoor Drop Riser Fiber optic Cable for Building Wiring |
Aramid Yarn Strength Round Sheath LSZH Drop Cable |
Central Tube Glass Yarns armor Round Sheath HDPE Drop Cable |
Flat Drop Cable+Central Tube+3.0*6.0 LSZH Drop Cable |
Self-Supporting FRP Strength+Tube+7.0/8.0 HDPE Drop Cable |
Figure-8 Self-supporting+Aramid Yarns+Tubes+4.6*8.8HDPE Drop Cable |
Flat Drop Cable+Central Tube+4.6*8.1 LSZH Drop Cable |
Flat Type Drop Cable Flat drop cable, with a flat out-looking, usually consists of a polyethylene jacket, several fibers, and two dielectric strength members to give high crush resistance. Fiber drop cable usually contains one or two fibers. However, drop cables with fiber counts up to 12 or more are available now. The following picture shows the cross-section of a flat drop cable with two fibers. |
Figure-8 Aerial Drop Cable Figure-8 aerial drop cable is a self-supporting cable, with the cable fixed to a steel wire, designed for easy and economical aerial installation for outdoor applications. This fiber drop cable is selected to a steel wire, as shown in the following picture. Typical fiber counts of figure-8 drop cable are 2 to 48. Tensile load is typically 6000 Newtons. |